Dana Holgorsen appreciation thread

There have been threads that were not very flattering to our coach so I thought it was time to start a thread to let him (or us) know how much we are glad he came home.

CDH has taken us from a team that was in disarray and lost a bowl game 70-6 right before he took over as coach to a cfp ranked team on the doorstep of a NY6 bowl… In a very short time he used his superior coaching skills to put together a very good offense and defense by recruiting the right players for the right positions.

I just want to say, however this season ends up, thank you Dana for getting us back to respectability.


Applewhite had a ranked team before. Let’s see sustained success before we declare we’re back.


Applewhite inherited a ranked team and proceeded to destroy it. Way different.

And I didnt say we are back, but we are respectable now. Much different than the end of 2019 and the season that never was in 2020.


Dana has done an excellent job this year. The red shirt year was a pass and the Covid year was a pass. Everyone said we will know this year. OK, we do know.

Well Done Dana.


As I said, he needed to win nine or more games with this schedule, otherwise the Khatorian principle should be applied.

I also said later that nine wins or more was his “benchmark” for forgiveness.

As it turns out, he is forgiven. If he wins 11 games, he won’t merely be forgiven, but redeemed. And if he beats Cincy in the championship and wins a major bowl game……then deification could be in order.

I also have to eat some crow on Tune.

For a few years now, I have also said that he did not appear to be the answer at QB.

After the Tech game, I was more convinced of that than ever.

Amazingly, he has turned it around. These last several games, he’s been nearly perfect.

I hope he returns next season!


Nice post! Count me in on appreciating CDH and how he has built our program…GLAD he is here!


either CDH or the girls at the Ritz cannot start appreciation threads…thats too self serving…lol

Some of our posters more knowledgeable than I have noted some of the nuances to our offensive scheme which have contributed to our success. It seems CDH has recruited to his scheme and we have had some players on both sides of the ball that have just stepped up. We have won some games by close margins and in one case (SMU) what approached miraculous. What I see is a team that is believing in itself and that maybe CDH’s greatest accomplishment.


So I did it for him.

Sounds like you are familiar with the girls at the Ritz?

To me, this is coaching. It’s Dana after the defeat to Texas Tech:
Dana taking the blame

I was proud of our guys from effort. I was proud of our guys from playing physical. Kept our composure. Just didn’t get it done. I didn’t do a very good job in the second half from an offensive perspective. That’s one of the worst halves I’ve ever been a part of. I admit that. I own that. We’ll work hard on trying to fix that. I was proud of my guys the way they played, the way they fought, the way they acted.

At the same time, Dana was honest about the deficiencies of the team. From a Daily Cougar article on Dana’s press conference the Monday after the Texas Tech loss:

Despite Clayton Tune’s four interception performance in Houston’s 2021 season-opener against Texas Tech, Dana Holgorsen reassured his confidence in the 6-foot-3-inch junior during his weekly news conference Monday.

“Clayton’s our quarterback and he feels responsible for the performance (against Texas Tech),” Holgorsen said. “He owns it and we’re going to work hard to get better.”

Holgorsen was pleased with Tune’s overall accuracy Saturday, as the UH starter went 27-38 passing, but also understands Tune still has work to do on eliminating the bad plays if he wants to take his game to the next level as the face of the Cougars offense.

Poor decisions have been common from Tune since he took over the UH offense in 2019, as 23 of his last 502 passes have been picked off.

Holgorsen specifically pointed to Tune’s second interception against Texas Tech where he tried to force the ball between two Red Raiders defenders, but was picked off by Riko Jeffers, who took the ball 13 yards back to the house to tie the game.

Holgorsen knows that poor decisions like that from Tune can’t happen if the Cougars want to start winning games.

“Interception number two was inexcusable on every level possible,” Holgorsen said. “It’s what get you beat.”

Spreading the ball around between the Cougars’ receivers was also an issue that Tune needs to fix, according to Holgorsen.

Holgorsen has made getting receivers like Jeremy Singleton and Kesean Carter more involved in the offense a major point of emphasis for Tune moving forward.

“I don’t want a go-to guy. I want multiple go-to guys,” Holgorsen said. “Clayton’s got to do a better job of spreading the ball around a little bit.”

But Holgorsen did not put all the blame on Tune for his rough performance, but also called out the UH offensive line, saying that Texas Tech completely wore down the Cougars’ front five.

Apart from senior center Kody Russey, Holgorsen said there is a lot of work the UH offensive line has to do in order to give Tune the protection he needs.

“O-line is who the finger gets pointed at just because everything starts right there up front,” Holgorsen said. “The reality is that we didn’t block anywhere … I don’t think we have five guys up front that can just dominate and play the entire game. They’ve never shown me that.”

Needless to say, Holgorsen knows the UH offense has a plethora of problems that must be addressed before the Cougars’ offense can execute at the high level of play he believes they are capable of performing at.

And it all starts with protection up front and Tune improving his decision making process.

“Got a long ways to go,” Holgorsen said. “We got to keep working hard.”


Dana’s done an amazing job, and I’m grateful he’s our coach. :pray:


Dana is going to be our long time successful Coach and is going to recruit like crazy! You can put that stuff down on paper !
Go Coogs !


You make it sound like a bad thing. :blush:

I agree, we need to see sustained success, especially at this point in the season where we’re the favorites in our two remaining regular season games. At a minimum we need to win out and go into the AAC Championship Game at 11-1.

However, I do want to point out that Applewhite’s 2018 team lasted exactly one week in the AP & Coaches rankings (#17). We beat previously undefeated USF, but then followed it up with a 2-TD loss at SMU (who ended the year 5-7). UH finished out the season losing 4 of 5 after getting ranked. The 2018 team was never ranked in the CFP poll.

Holgorsen’s 2021 team has stayed ranked for 3 consecutive weeks now, and made our first appearance in CFP poll since 2016 (Herman).

You might think that the 2021 team is taking advantage of an easy schedule, but the 2018 team had a similarly easy schedule. That team finished 8-5, with only 2 wins coming against teams with winning records (USF and Tulane, both 7-6 teams).


My expectations have been more than exceeded. Thank you, Coach!


you make it sound like a bad thing…Coog Watch Party at the Ritz…

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Sounds like you must be referring to RGVCoog. And dont forget, sarcasm is interpreted in the eyes of the sarcastee.


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I had my share of strip clubs when I worked in the corporate world. It was a client expectation to take them there and buy them drinks and dances. We also had some internal meetings that would end up in strip clubs. That was “acceptable” in the 70’s-90’s but was finally frowned upon by management as the world changed.

Was it a waste of money? At the time it didnt seem so but would I ever go there now or would I have spent my own money either now or back then? Not likely.

disclaimer: anyone is free to work where they like or go to establishments of their choice. Its none of my business

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Well said regarding Holgorsen and Tune.

Holgorsen has earned an extension at this point. He has done well this season. The team has done well. He is in a “contract year” this year… a prove it season. I hope he continues to put the same effort in to the program in the years to come and seasons like this one become the norm rather than the exception. Historically, 10+ win seasons have been the exception.