D'Eriq King


Damn!! :persevere:

Knee surgery … I wonder what kind. I hope it’s something he can fully recover from by Spring. He deserves a proper shot at being the number 1 QB next year after burning his redshirt.

Get Well Soon King!!

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Torn Miniscus (sp?).

Out 3 months.

Hmmmm…puts him in danger of missing the spring.

Best wishes on a speedy recovery.

If it is 3 months to be 100%, it’s just in time for Spring which is why they probably did the surgery right away.

The fact that it’s 3-4 months says it was a repair. They sewed the meniscus back together. It’s a better long term solution even though the recovery is longer. This will absolutely impact the Spring QB competition.


Sort of worries me a bit. If King is upset about the coaches leaving or doesn’t think the new coaches will give him a chance, this would be the time to transfer.

He’s probably the main one of the freshmen that are most impacted by the coaches leaving. Remember, he came here because he was promised a shot at being the QB. If Allen stays, I can’t see him getting a fair shot.

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This really sucks. King is so dynamic, so I really hope this doesn’t put him out of the running in the spring.

Allen is more of a pocket passer and King is more of a dual threat. Until you know who the offensive coordinator is going to be, you don’t know what kind of shot King has.

I liked him more as a WR.

He’s smaller than GW. Imagine him getting hit over and over again, especially if our OL stuggles continue. If I’m not mistaken, isn’t Bryson Smith a bit larger?

Rivals has Smith listed at 6’0" and 170 lbs. So, he’s slightly taller than Ward, but weighs about 15 pounds less. A college strength and conditioning coach can put some weight on him though.

King is quite a bit shorter, but not quite a bit lighter. Rivals has him at 5’10" and 170 lbs.

My wife had surgery for a torn meniscus about 6 years ago. It’s one of those that is totally usable after recovery, but you’re gonna notice a difference.