Dirty Cincy


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Cincy is a dirty team and a dirty fanbase but people on here wanna root for them.



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I bet they won’t be jacking their jaws against Bama

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Their chili is nasty too


I was telling a buddy earlier; out of all the teams UH has played regularly over the recent past, no one comes close to Cincy as far as trash talk and chippy play. Doesn’t matter who the coach is or if they’re winning or losing.

I put Memphis a distant second.


Hard to say who’s dirtier. Cincy players played dirty, taunted and flipped off the student section in 2015.

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IIRC that was the game where one of their guys blatantly twisted a players knee after a play.

Still dislike mumphish more. Dirtiest team I’ve ever seen, with a shite fan base. Cincy is trash but we did lose and so feelings are still raw.

Battlefield 2042 suuuuuuuuuuuuuuccckkssss!!!

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I think that was the Memphis game when Reggis Ball twisted DeMarcus Ayers’ leg and didnt get called for it.

Ball was one of the dirtiest players I ever watched.


I don’t like their basketball team either.

We have had a few incidents in basketball ourselves against Arizona and then woth Deeky. Sometimes players make bad decisions.

Memphis football players always run their mouth.

Still think Navy at home is the worst I’ve seen


Navy is just so sneaky dirty, like everyone knows what they do, but they never get called out for it. If they’d hit late a few times and run their mouths it would really help get the word out.

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Thats why if we get projected to play a service academy in a bowl I want no part of it just to save our players knees.


Guess you never seen Conrad Dobler play.


Lest not forget the blue Cougars of BYU.


Memphis players said “ain’t nothing coming out of H-Town”. :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:

to SemperFiCoog…no that’s old school!!!

I don’t understand. I assume Cincinnati has the internet… There a are a ton of great chili recipes online. They could pick any of them. I get that maybe a hundred years ago they didn’t have the best access to southern chili recipes but since about '95 with AOL there is no excuse.