Disturbing Video: Low Income Students are FAR more likely to drop out of college than

HIGH INCOME students with the SAME grades and test scores.

Reason: the low income students apparently don’t feel like they “fit in.”

And the fact that financial aid means that they can afford college apparently doesn’t make much of a difference.

Sometimes…parental support is weaker among lower income students, according to this, and that has an impact, according to one Professor quoted.


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Listen people.

This video was about how family income affects chances of completing college vs dropping out….NOT race.

How did race become a part of this?

Deleted those replies.

After 4 minutes and 50 seconds the interviewed professor “spells it”
Single family household.

Interesting that this was 8 years ago. Curious about how the UT program has done over time.

Oh sure, UT has enough money to pay these guys to graduate,basically, but how about UH?

I don’t need a study. That is a ridiculous reason.

Low income folks are likely to be on the short end of every stick. This is not political. This is everything and frankly always will be.

Low income people are less likely to get in to college.
More likely to die young of disease.
More likely to die during birth
More likely to smoke
More likely to get drafted if we have one.
More likely to enlist
More likely to die on the friontline in war.
More likely to die a violent death as a civilian.
More likely to be overweight
More likely to be malnourished.
More likely to be victims of scams
The list goes on and on.

Being poor is not good.


So these folks, of which you speak, don’t have 401k’s, Roth IRAs, and things like
529 plans or educational savings accounts ! ? ! ?

Hard to believe. Next you will say they never eat cake I suppose.



Low income people are less likely to get in to college. - Didn’t study in high school
More likely to die young of disease - afraid of doctors
More likely to die during birth - unplanned pregnancies
More likely to smoke - no self control
More likely to get drafted if we have one - middle class got drafted too
More likely to enlist - they are more patriotic
More likely to die on the friontline in war. - of course because privates outnumber officers by a large margin
More likely to die a violent death as a civilian. - reckless attitude
More likely to be overweight - Again chooses not to work out
More likely to be malnourished. - you just contradicted the previous point
More likely to be victims of scams - even the rich get scammed, cough bitcoin cough
The list goes on and on.


Some people can’t help themselves with stereotypes. They just can’t.

Disagree it contradicts.

It is numerically possible to be both. They could simultaneously represent
45% in both the overweight and malnourished groups at the same time. And thus be the ‘most’
in each group. Note, that’s just a made up number by me to illustrate the mathematical possibilities.
We could do a deep dive to get real data, but I wouldn’t be surprised if both of his statements are
true, at the same time, as strange as it may seem.

“It’s hell to be poor !”. - MZ

Overfed but undernourished.


Now there is a twist I didn’t even consider - being overweight and malnourished at same time.
Funny, how unaware we can be, and sad how many times we don’t even know it.


Or eating straight garbage because it’s cheap.


A single parent family household has dire consequences. Children need a Dad and a Mom. Anyone denying it doesn’t understand the basic principles of parenthood.

What if the family has two Mommies/two Daddies?

I largely agree but how can that be fixed?

And why do you think that impacts some groups more than others?

We have statistics for a reason:
Look at the numbers. They do not lie. At the end of a day be at school or even for the parents sake an “equilibrium/balance” is key to any family. Who is more than likely to fail at teaching basic values if there is only one parent? There is a far greater chance that these basic values will be taught with a mother and a father inside an household.

But again, why a Mommy and a Daddy?

What about families with two Mommies/two Daddies?