Duarte on Kopp

There is a big article by Duarte about Maddox Kopp committing to UH in this mornings Chronicle. It was very positive all around. One of the things I thought was very interesting was this quote by Kopp, “The big pitch to me was having an opportunity to come in and compete for the job my sophomore year. I feel like Houston is really building something.”

That tells me that Tune is very much entrenched as the starting QB until he graduates, so that should lower these posts about Tune not being the man.



I don’t see it on the web based version, can you post it?

I’m hearing good reports on the kid from the Bronx

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Nice up close and personal article from Duarte. He ought to stick to these types of ariticles.

Our staff’s deservers some praise for identifying a player before others, making an offer ahead of almost all and have him bloom at the Elite Eleven where his market value grew through the roof. It showw they can identify the future value of the a recruit before others.


I’m guessing he means his 2nd year in school since he’s going to redshirt, I hope.

I think Sofian Massoud is going to have something to say about when Kopp starts.


He got wheels and arm

As he should. Competition makes everyone better. I look forward to seeing who wins out.

What y’all guys think about QB Cardell Williams at Westfield. Plays in tough ass district. He’s a junior so he’s upside is very high. So you think he’s Holgi’s number 1_QB target in 2022. With Coach Meekins returning to UH last year and his brother being the coach at Westfield… You think UH may be the favorite if they go that way… I love how our quarterback room is shaping up.