
I am hoping he can get going as we will need him as 6, 7 or 8 0ff bench. Just so disappointing his play has not even approached what he did to us last year at Temple. What no points tonight against Cinci?


Looks like he’s lost his confidence. The good news for him is he’ll get lots of opportunities to turn it around.


Didn’t get too much opportunity tonight, just 11 minutes. We really need him to bring SOMETHING to the table.

Tonight he was good for two missed shots, a rebound and a personal foul. :dotted_line_face:


It’s a bit crazy to think we’ve ripped off 11 of our last 12 in the B12 when our bench has been borderline nonexistent ngl


Mylik Wilson has been huge.

Need Dunn to put in that kind of effort.


See the same OP the night before the last game of the year.

I’m afraid of Dunn being nearly unplayable down the stretch and what that’s going to mean for us. Shead is already playing way too many minutes. Dunn needs to figure out how to at least be a net neutral on the floor for 15 mins. Right now he’s a pretty huge negative while out there which is why he’s getting very little run.


It’s March if Dunn hasn’t figured it out yet he won’t now it’s too late he has been here a year now a senior he is who he is


This is why CKS is a great coach. I fully expect Dunn to “turn the corner”


We need Dunn or we are going to wear down moving forward.
i’m probably the opposite in this but he should of played more last night, we were never in danger of losing the game.
we probably could of gave him the ball in mid range post up iso position a couple of times to get his confidence up.
if we don’t get any point production from our bench and minutes relief it will be an uphill battle to win it all.

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Mylik and JoJo haven’t been nonexistent.


March? Did i miss couple of days! :smile::smiley:
Jostling Bandera. You are ahead of time :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

Coach Sampson said last night more than once" We need to figure it out". We also learned why Jo Jo only played a few minutes in last 2 games. Bad right ankle. We had good spurts but we did look tired. Jamal looked exhausted in post game interview. One of Coach last comments was Our Training Room will be very busy tomorrow.

I tend to agree with above comments on Big 12 Tournament. With short bench and really worn down players, hard to imagine us playing 3 games in 3 days. But we do have CKS so we shall see.


I think he meant as a whole….until recently Mylik was MIA and JOJO has been hot and cold.

We have had some good performances from those two, especially recently….without them we’d be screwed.

Moving forward after this season I think the bench has to be a priority……when you get a couple of injuries it should be next man up and so on….we have zero room for another injury.

I’m not saying we should ever play more than nine deep on average….but we should have another few that could give quality minutes if they had to from injuries….we don’t.

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Coach would never admit this……but if we go on to win conference and lock up that #1 seed for the NCAA’s……

Well, I don’t think coaches heart would be broken with a first round exit( conference tournament)to have that extra time to get right.


That long rest would be awesome but only #1 overall seed picks their destination.
For UH it would be Dallas (from memory) & UH can pack that arena.
1st round B12 boot can still get a #1 but not overall.

I don’t think Dunn can scrap and claw, etc like the Sampsons/staff demand and still play his once feared offensive game.
His particular style of drawing fouls does not work much at B12 level. His legs are not there for any shooting range.

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He Dunn!..

Don’t need to be #1 overall to get the South. UConn will want east and Purdue the Midwest.


I think it’s also focused on offense. Mylik and JoJo bring a lot outside of that.

As for bench strength, it’s tough for anyone to withstand losing 2 role players for the year to injury.


I don’t see Dunn ever being a “big minutes” guy who scores 30 points a game.

but he absolutely needs to step up and make the most out of the minutes he DOES get on the offensive side.

he’s had multiple open 3’s that he’s gotta start sinking. and if / when he does try to drive, he’s gotta start drawing fouls or shooting on his first attempt. he always has that pump fake on his first opportunity that he could just be shooting.

but what do I know…