DVD of Oregon State game

Is there going to be a DVD of our tournament games made available for sale? Can we buy a DVD of a particular game like the UH-Oregon State game? I am interested to buy what ever might be available .

Am interested in any info about this…Thanks.

In the interim, I saw CBSSN is showing the Rutgers and OSU games on Thursday night if you can record

What’s a DVD? You mean like a tape cassette?


Any word on betamax or laser disc options?


I’d have about as much luck playing a tape cassette in my house as a dvd.

Surely there will be a way to access online.

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Do they even make DVDs anymore? Not being snarky, just wondering. Cant remember the last time i used a dvd.

For you young guys, or old guys who have selective memory and want to pretend to be young, this forum (or it’s predecessor) used to often have folks who had tapes/discs of old games.

I currently have all the 2020 football games and all current season basketball games since Tulane in my YouTube TV DVR account. I have no idea what my settings are. They’ll probably be gone in 12 months. I’ll watch one game three times in one week, but don’t often go back to watch a season or older game.

I’m guessing the best way to keep/watch old games going forward will be through some type of Amazon account where we will buy the games from the networks.

CC Simon Bott


There may or may not be a device from Amazon that allows one to connect a hdmi input to your computer if it doesn’t already have one and if you have a mac you already have the software to create a digital file from that input. It’s tedious at times but it gets the job done. :wink: lol

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Lol, I bought a dvd or two from him back in the day. 2006 conference championship game for sure and maybe more, idk.

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If you can’t hold it in your hands you don’t own it and these tech companies like Amazon and Apple can just flip a switch and consign it to the memory hole. Never trust anything meaningful to you that depends on a server in the cloud or even electricity for that matter.

Absolutely, TEXREG…on DVD, i have SWC FB highlites from 76, 78, 79 and 80, full of great UH highlites…I have a beautiful DVD copy of the Nebraska and Notre Dame Cotton bowl games…I also have a PERFECT DVD of UH’s 1956 highlites, which include a win over Texas Tech and a famous 14-14 tie with 9-0-1 Texas A&M. I have great DVDs with highlights of our 2015 and 2016 FB seasons.
Thanks Fred…above for tip about our Dance BB games being on tonight. Yesterday they showed UCLA…I guess tonight it is our turn. I want to record that OSU game!!


Would you also argue that currency is fake unless you can hold it?

Doesn’t a DVD depend on electricity to work? I know it’s an old medium but not that old.