EA Sports is paying schools for CFB 25 by tier list

Because of the Herman years, Applewhite in 2017, Dana in 2021 + P4 promotion puts us in Tier 2.


Let the Blue Blood debate begin, any qualms with EA’s 13 tier 1 teams @uhlaw97 and others
We are above some pretty good teams in the tier 3 category

Where is Cougar King to post this on the Tech board


No idea but I’ll do it myself.

Greg Ward Jr getting UH paid!


Interesting, the richest of the lot (UT) is in Tier 2 while Okie State is in Tier 1.


And that’s where Oklahoma State’s financial advantage over UT ends.

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The Bonghorns are in the same tier as UH? Tier 2? And all these years all of y’all been saying they’re Blue Blood! Y’all must be Bonghorns or something! Or simply giving the Bonghorns more credit than they deserved!

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Just be painful for Texas Tech to see Western Kentucky in a tier higher than them.

I love how EA sports settled an age old debate with one post.

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Good Big 12 representation in Tier 1 and 2…

I find it hard to believe that both uT and aTm are Tier 2.

Being in Tier 2 shows how underachieving UT and A&M have been in the last 10 years. It is based on the AP Poll ranking, which is based on wins and losses.

Yes I saw it was poll based after I posted. Is it only football polls? EA Sports must have deep pockets.

But…but…but…i thought getting coaches that use us to get a better job has no benefit to us

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