ECU compared to Gonzaga, Baylor, UT

UH playing ECU tonight gave fans and the team a glimpse of how playing Gonzaga, Baylor and UT in the tournament would look like. Yes, they are way more talented and deeper than ECU, but they all shoot the 3 extremely well and play good D.

UH must play better behind the arch D than tonight if they hope to win against such teams. But UH must also score more points and develop bench scoring. Tonight the bench had 11 points with Mark scoring just 2 in 17 minutes.

This game against OLOL is great to get experience for Mark, especially by him taking few if any 3’s and concentrating on assists and scoring two’s. Also this weekend allows UH to get more game experience for Chaney, Roberts, Shead, and Titus.

This scoring development from the bench, since Mills is gone, is essential to defeat WSU on the road and Memphis, not to mention NCAA tournament game(s).

A great scoring and D boost could happen this month if the Dr. allows Fabian White to return. His scoring potential, coming off the bench, would help in the remaining games and in the tournaments.


We would get blown out

How would Phi Slama Jama compare tho. Asking the real questions.

ECU caught fire from behind the arc period. We were worried about stopping the post. I am sure for teams with better 3 point shooting we would adjust our planning accordingly.

Some people love mountains out of molehills …


Y’all know Phi Slama Jama lost games, too… Right?


Yep, Jack Worthington a freshman and his UT squad came to the hoff and whipped us.

Thompson was a load

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Mark has a world of talent, but it has not been properly harnessed so far. (And, that’s not a knock on him; he’s just a freshman playing in a season with very few out of conference games at its beginning.)

He was undoubtedly the go-to guy on his high school team, and now, when he gets in the game, he seems to lapse back into the mindset that he has to win it all by himself. - He plays too fast. He commits unforced turnovers. He is still trying to figure out where he belongs on defense.

The guy that Mark ought to watch and try to emulate is Deeky. Deeky plays hard. Deekly plays with versatility. And, perhaps most importantly, Deeky plays at different speeds that fit the game situation and what the coach is trying to accomplish during that part of the game. He is not trying to hurry up and win the game singlehandedly.

Deeky is also a 5th year senior. Mark is still developing and finding out what big time basketball is.


Kind of hard to judge young Mark when he only took two shots yesterday hitting one deuce. He also had a rebound and two assists and one turnover.
I have not seen him trying to take over games and I bet if he did he would be sitting on the bench by coach.
Geez, this is a tough crowd…


I thought Tyson was taking over the game w his 2 shots. :grin:


Some nights it’s not your night. Last night was not ours. They were ready to play and we looked half asleep. On to the next thing.

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the loss to ECU was all about team wide effort on the defensive end and backboards. not everyone was selling out with their best effort. first game all season this has happened. its one game, and one loss. that effort was the norm during the Brooks and Dickey years. Sampson will get their attention back.

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It has taken Deeky 4+ years to reach this level of play. Now we all expect Mark to do the same as a frosh . . . . .

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