Ed don't Need to Apologize

Stop this foolish talk and utter nonsense…Come on Cougar fans and stay classy, please leave Ed Oliver alone and wish the Kid well in the NFL. We are too old for this angry foolishness.


He needs to apologize to his teammates and Applewhite.


We Oliver. Sounds right…he was acting childish after all.


I am tired of hearing stuff about what he did. Glad I worked late tonight. Let him be, guys, let him be.

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Yes, he needs to apologize to the team, and the head coach. That sort of behavior is unacceptable. Ed’s a good kid, and I think he’ll do it.


Well everyone knows how I feel about all this …

Since he didn’t show up the 2nd half … then maybe its over and he is GWTW …

From my perspective, he started out GREAT and could have ended up a legend but now has ended up an overindulged prima donna and as someone already pointed out he should have stayed quiet on the sidelines and not gone on the pre game field jumping around running and showing absolutely NO SIGNS of an injury …

One can also note the team seemed to have played better without the distraction of his being around


Ed exhibited childish behavior. Is Applewhite coaching a college football program or coddling future NFL’ers?

We can wish him well in the nfl but he still needs to respect his coach.


Hey, I’m done. I think we all need to relax. Eat some ice cream and get some rest. I am sure he reads this board. No need to ruffle his feathers why he is on his way out.

Ed isn’t inured anymore. Ed is a bad teammate. Get over yourself. Unless you think 1 individual is more important than a TEAM sport then Ed is clearly in the wrong.

He’s been told all his life he can do what he want because he’s Ed Oliver. Our D line coach coached him in HS and when asked about why Oliver has such a weird stance lined up off the ball the coach said they tried to fix it but why after all Ed is Ed. (His back is flat and he takes an extra step firing off the ball)

When he’s in the NFL and isn’t the most talented on the team and has to work, it’s going to be tough for him. UH needs a better culture and he has brought us into the mud.

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Major put a stake in the ground tonight that will pay dividends for years to come at UH. No one is bigger than the team. What Ed does in response to this will speak volumes about his maturity and his character. He obviously still has a lot of growing up to do.


Applewhite left the door open for Ed. Oliver can still play at Memphis and hopefully the CCG. Ed needs a dose of humility now, and I think it will pay dividends for him.


The same throwing Ed under the bus will be cheering him on if he plays against Memphis and we win and booing him if he plays and we lose. It’s not like he ignored teammates throwing rape parties or anything.


This isn’t going anywhere good. Ed Oliver is still a student-athlete at the University of Houston; please stop disparaging him.