Election campaign reform

Your argument has merit and has been going on for over 100 years. It dark money, back room deals, etc., will never go away until and unless the politicians refuse the money and the deals.

I respect where you’re coming from but the logic here is that of the control advocates. Which basically is this, “Ban all the guns and their won’t be gun crimes.” Except criminals don’t obey the laws. That’s why they are criminals.

Same with corrupt public officials. Oh, sure, they’ll pass all the laws you want to prevent corruption, no problem, but the corruption will continue because they don’t follow the law.

It’s also why our constitution is written the way it is. James Madison, et al. were trying to protect we the people from the corruption of human nature, among other things.

Huge portion of gun deaths are suicides, unfortunately.

2017 six-in-ten gun-related deaths in the U.S. were suicides (23,854), while 37% were murders (14,542), according to the CDC. The remainder were unintentional (486), involved law enforcement (553) or had undetermined circumstances.

They don’t follow the law because there is no enforcement.

Who’s going to enforce new campaign finance laws? FBI? Secret Service? They are run by politicians. The fox watches the hen house. They are only enforced against political opponents. If you are on “their” side, your immune.

How do you feel about countries that have a parliament selected prime minister as head of government (UK, Canada, Japan, most continental European countries)?

Would their PM not be even less of a reflection of collective consciousness than a US president would be here?

Just sayin’!

I mean, consider this.

At least in the USA, you actually get to cast a vote for the head of government (POTUS). Granted, it’s more of a vote for your state’s slate of electors, but nevertheless, it’s a vote for President that you cast on your ballot every four years.

In most other democracies…the individual voter doesn’t even get that much of a say when it comes to who the nation’s head of government is. No “individual” say whatsoever!!!

So if you think that the Electoral College violates the principle of “one man, one vote,” and violates the collective conscience, then how do you feel about most other democracies which give individual voters even LESS of a say in who the head of government is?

Please be candid in your response!

What I’m getting at is this: you should be thankful that you even have the say in selecting the President that you have…because by the standards of the rest of the world’s democracies…it’s a lot more of a say than what you’d have in those other countries!

Be GRATEFUL for what you have!

George Carlin had a great bit about the illusion of choice in America.

I wonder how he feels about most other democracies were the individual gets even less of a say in who their nation’s head of government is.

Probably that it’s meaningless. Politicians are there to give you the illusion of choice, the real power lies elsewhere.

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I truly believe the answer is to balance the budget and get away from deficit spending. If we had to actually pay for all of the good governance from Washington we would demand less of it. The reason it is a mess is we don’t care because we aren’t paying for it…

If our paychecks went down each time Washington had a brilliant government program we would be as mad as everyone is right now because of inflation.

I posted about ranked choice voting with a link!


Ranked Choice violates One Man One Vote.

Each ballot casts numerous votes for many different candidates.

The established method is to have a Run-Off if no one gets above 50%.

That method would greatly motivate Democrats and Republicans to modify their Platforms to accommodate Libertarians, Green Party, etc. and bring them into the fold.

We actually would improve the performance of both major Parties. Might mean more reining-in of Big Government.

lol no it doesn’t. It does exactly what a runoff does except on one ballot in one election instead of multiple ballots in multiple elections. There’s not “numerous votes” on one ballot. You’re asked to rank the choices on the ballot. If nobody gets the 50+1 majority on the first ballot then low candidate gets dropped and their votes get redistributed according to those voters’ second choice. There’s no one voting twice.

Also, run offs are a southern state creation and a vestige of Jim Crow implemented in the beginning of the 20th century. Only a handful of states implement run offs to get a majority vote winner. In Texas, run offs are for primaries and special elections. Any regular general election for a state office can be won by plurality.


I never heard that before. Interesting article here about it for those that
may be as unaware as me.

How will our elections look when:
We get another 2 million immigrants in the country bringing the total of non-citizens approaching 6-10 million
We abolish the photo id requirement
We declare all residents-citizens or not eligible to vote (like being considered in NYC now).
How can the Democrats ever lose an election? If you think their agendas are radical now…


Your posts confuse anyone that knew you at a younger age. Literally I have had people ask “what happened to your Dad”
I know you are smart enough to know you can’t just show up and vote. What a ridiculous fear

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I was a dedicated Democrat and active with time and treasure until this became the agenda:
Open borders
Teaching children that we should judge each other on the basis of race (whites are oppressors and blacks are the oppressed. Our country in inherently and fundamentally racist). Critical race theory.
People should be allowed to compete in athletic contests on the basis of their self perceived sexual preference rather than their biological gender.
Law enforcement should be defunded or otherwise restructured.
Criminals should be released on no or minimal bonds.
We should redefine what is "criminal’ and provide only those who take another life is subject to confinement.
And there are others.


You’ve been tricked if you believe that is the agenda


What’s your solution? Other than teaching the history of this country when it comes to treatment of non-whites, be they indigenous people, people of African descent, Mexican descent, Chinese exclusion act, Japanese during WWIi? Enlighten us with your wisdom?