Eric Dickerson Has a Story to Tell — Sports Illustrated

Some local interest. Looking forward to the book.


So he’s finally going to say how much money SMU gave him.


Wow, UT was pretty nasty to Eric Dickerson.

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Grandma bought it and that’s the story. He’s sticking to it. Did A&M repo the car?

Or the nice car the Aggies bought him

Grandma bought with the money she made off land given to her…,by an Ag real estate friend lol.
Before he went to SMU he was also a heavy UT lean before grandma was blessed with the land in which she turned around and sold lol

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Great thread.
Can this be “relocated” to the football thread?
Some coogfans readers only visit the football. heck you could have it in both areas.

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So we got a near death penalty, smu got it.
Meanwhile atm, utau got a slap on the wrist.
Hey atm and utau fans how many times are you going to ignore that you cheated and got away with it multiple times because you had/have the ncaa in your back pocket?
Did you notice how the media basically lets it slide? Yes espn is heavily involved with both…


No one remembers that Dickerson and James were actually behind Charles Waggoner from Dallas Carter amongst the freshman running backs. Waggoner is one of those “what might have been” players in Texas history.

The College Football Blog: Charles Waggoner SMU What Might Have Been

Had he signed with the Aggies they probably would have gone on probation…but they let him go like a hot potato to keep from being investigated.
Texas was in the picture strongly when his head coach at Sealy basically had a chance to take a job at UT…at least his high school coach was telling everyone he was heading to Austin. Not the impression I got during our interview.
I interviewed Dickerson just before Sealy’s state championship game his senior year. at the high school He was a nice kid but outwardly perturbed with coach Harris.
To the shock of many I wrote the story in the Conroe Courier and it was picked up by the wire services, the story being that Dickerson would not be going to Texas but would decide between OU and SMU…
I got a threatening phone call from a Texas coach (assistant) calling me a liar, that Dickerson was set to go to UT…
Dickerson told me that he would go to SMU or OU…and apparently I was the first to mention SMU and the Horn staff could not stand it.
Funny thing is that Dickerson, after he had been at SMU for a year, recanted and said he never told me any of that lol.
Harris, I believe ended up with a position at Texas.
And by the way, Dickerson worked for a former Aggie during his summer vacations at Sealy.
Get the picture?


Dickerson sold it back in the 80s.

What was that license plate again? “CJK2H”?? haha Did he share info? :crazy_face:

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“Had he signed with the Aggies they probably would have gone on probation…but they let him go like a hot potato to keep from being investigated”
Thank you for posting Butch. atm and utau ran/run this area. They broke as many penalties as we did or smu did but got a soft verbal reprimand while we and smu got hit by a scud missile. The intent was and continue to be to lessen any types of momentum that we could/can gain.
Now OU is in the utau and atm pathways…how long will they allow it?
The ncaa for its lack of taking control, knowingly helping and protecting atm and utau made our small12 inclusion impossible. The ncaa is responsible for allowing the bcs and cfp’s creation. They 100% had the right to block it it. The now P5’s could have formed their own league then? Of course they could have but imagine the political/legal storm that this would have created. Who orchestrated all of this? I have no doubt it was the ncaa itself. By doing so they got rewarded while keeping a “straight face” I can’t think of any worldwide sports organization that has done something similar to the ncaa and cfp non ncaa sanctioned competition. Remember the term “You can’t have it both ways” The ncaa surely does. Furthermore we are talking mostly about public institutions. These same public institutions get federal money…paid by you and I.
For the naysayers saying that the Alabama or Clemson of the world would create their own league.
#1 They have already done it with first the bcs and now with the cfp
#2 Let say they secede and do create an independent league from the ncaa. What will happen to their other sports like volley ball, fencing, women’s soccer and so forth? There won’t be enough money to support these same sports for so many schools/teams.

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He once said, he will take the payments SMU gave him to his grave!

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I dunno. FIFA is pretty shaddy. :face_with_monocle:

Glad to know je didn’t just spend it.

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Do any D1 football schools have fencing? I think Army did but don’t know now. Seems like that would be a sport that Johns Hopkins would dominate!

It’s worse than that. It’s actually “CJK5H”.

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