ESPN Offseason Preview: The American, Part 1

“If we remove UConn from the equation, the AAC would have graded out better than the ACC last year in terms of average SP+ rating. This conference was as deep as it’s ever been, boasting two SP+ top-20 teams (UCF and Memphis) and five more ranked 52nd or better. The ACC? One team higher than 30th and only six at 52nd or better…”


Good article over-all, but I don’t see 6-6 especially when he states all of the returning experience, transfers, etc. 8-4 is probably the floor.


6-6 is probably not far off. Floor would be 5-7 in my opinion. High probability of 7-5 and hope for a bowl win.


I agree, pretty accurate, if we go above 500, it’s a good year.


6-6 seems realistic. At this point we’re underdogs versus WSU, BYU, SMU, Memphis, Cincinnati and maybe UCF

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My prediction: 13-1 and a NY6 win over a strong B12/SEC team.


I am generally optimistic, but I am trying to be a bit more realistic this year. All of our road games are going to be tough. I can see us losing all 6. Plus UCF at home will be tough. So for me 5-7 is the floor.

If the transfers pan out and our receivers catch the catchable, then I think we can beat UCF at home, Navy, SMU, and a re-tooling WSU on the road. BYU is unpredictable so I’ll call it a toss-up at their place.

We’d have to play lights-out at Memphis and UC to win there. Maybe we split? I think it will help that Memphis is early in the season.

So, the ceiling for me is 9-3. Toss-ups I give to the home team.

Here’s to being too conservative. GO COOGS!!


Thank you 230 for FINALLY mentioning the Ceiling !!!:smiley:
Go Coogs !!!


9-3 is a reasonable ceiling and would constitue a major improvement. I’d be ok with 9-3 a bowl win and solid recruiting. 6-6 if all we improve is two games, I think it’s completely fair to start questioning if CDH is the right man for the job. Or if another Tillman ego experiment has failed.


Barring more than average amount of injuries, I’d say 8-4 with 9-3 as a stretch goal


I’m saying 14-0…or, I am just gonna keep buying season tickets and going to games by God !!


Holgorson’s future and the team’s will be decided by the end of September, 2020. They go 2-1 or 3-0 everything is fine. 1-2 and even his diehard backers will be hard pressed to explain it away, like last season.

What if we go 2-2, beating Rice and UNT at home and losing to Wash St and Memphis on the road?

We will beat Rice and UNT. We almost beat/hung in there last year against Memphis with a depleted team. Washington State I don’t know about their team this year, but we almost beat them last year as well.

2-2 = mediocre.


Wash. St. has 2 red shirt Freshmen competing for the QB spot.

Leach is gone.

New Head Coach calls his offense “The Run-N-Shoot”.

This has disaster written all over it.

We can win this game.


I agree that’s mediocre in terms of next season. However, you said Holgorsen’s future will be decided by the end of the September 2020. We will have played 4 games by the end of September (if no games are canceled), but you didn’t mention what a 2-2 record would mean for Holgorsen’s future. Are you suggesting that Holgorsen’s future depends on whether or not we beat Wash St in the second game of his second season?

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His future won’t be decided until 2021.

For one, there hasn’t been any spring training so talent will be the deciding factor whenever football season starts.

Second, if we tank this season we can’t do anything about it. So he will have another season to redeem himself. Even then, it’s a matter of whether we can afford to replace him.


There is no way that there is no improvement over last year’s 4-8. Simply put, there are over 30 red shirts, a bunch of quality transfers (that practiced all of last year with the team) and returning injured. Even the Holg Haters can see at least a 6-6 season. I see a minimum of 7 and up from there.

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I really wish Holgorson would get back to the drawing board and add a new wrinkle to the offense. It looked way too vanilla from what I saw last year. I remember when he used the diamond formation at Oklahoma State. Hopefully he can get creative again. If the offense doesn’t improve then I think we’ll end up with no more than 6-7 wins.