Expansion Link Dump - Aug 8th

Not much news over the weekend regarding expansion as everyone seems to be trying to guess at what’s going on. Could mean that this is about to wrap up as things usually get quieter the closer the news is about to break:

Twitter rumors

Williams is a Cincy guy, Russo is a national guy with the AP and was commenting on Williams’s news and Chi is out of San Francisco. Probably nothing, but it was getting passed around out there:


Dallas SportsDay - Tim Cowlishaw

Question: Houston, future Big 12 member, checks in at No. 13 in Amway Coaches Poll that was just released. You giving the Coogs a shot at beating OU in Week 1??
Cowlishaw: Definitely. Week One, you see some upsets and I’m not even sure how much of an upset this would be. But Sooners have Mayfield and those running backs so it’s going to be difficult but by no means impossible. Is OU’s defense ready to handle everything that UH attack brings? Will be interesting game.

Expansion Candidate writers

This gets included because, as I said, its a slow news day. If you like the Bachelor and Big 12 Expansion, you’ll love this: :sleeping:

Forgot this one the other day:


Other writers:

Aftershocks from Big 12 expansion could yield upward moves for WKU, EKU

The University of Houston, buoyed by the political support of Texas Gov. Greg Abbott and high-ranking officials at the University of Texas, is the leading candidate to join the Big 12. In the next tier are Brigham Young (national following thanks to its affiliation with the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints) and Cincinnati (in a good TV market and a potential geographical partner for current Big 12 member West Virginia).

If the argument to only go with two additions then …

Texas and OU are keeping the Big12 geographically tight and compact with UH/Cincy … ESPN is spreading them out with choosing BYU and it makes no sense … travel/cost-wise and geographically wise … ESPN can be seen looking out after themselves and not the good of the Big12

Only guessing but the Big12 members maybe unhappy with ESPN calling the shots and riding roughshod over them especially going back on their contract.

Again I suspect the horns are not going to back down come hell or high water … its UH plus Cincy or BYU or no expansion OR go to four.