Favorite Moment of the 2022 Season

Obviously wasn’t the season we were hoping for. But 8-5 and a bowl win to send the seniors out the right way will do! That being said

What was y’all’s favorite moment of this season?

Memphis win!


When the season was over.


EVERY tank TD in the red zone. The young man is an artist.

Ability to get separation in tight space and locate the sideline in the end zone while making the catch.


When Dana yelled at us fans because we booed him during the Tulane game. :crazy_face:


Aggies loss to Appalachian St.


Tunes flip into the end zone to beat UTSA, season went downhill from there



This season was one of the most frustrating seasons in UH history.

We were ranked going in and were the favorite to win the AAC and play in a NY6 Bowl.

Then the circus called our 2022 Season happened

Honestly, made me question if i should waste my time watching a coach who talks down to the fan base, makes excuses for everything and is the definition of “mediocrity”.


This season was the epitome of disappointment, but I’ll never forget the great weekend I had with my friends in San Antonio for the UTSA game. Micheladas at a football game + Clayton Tune heroics + great friends = one of the best weekends I’ve ever had .


Guys, we won 8 games! We have won 20 games against top teams over the last 2 years. We almost beat a team that ended the season ranked (UTSA). We beat a team with a winning record (UTSA). We even won a bowl game against a team that won 13 games last year! If it wasn’t for the media bias we would end the season with votes in the AP poll.

We have very little questions about players for next year and with another year of experience our defense should be so much better. Add on top of all of this we are bringing back the entire staff from an 8 win team!


Late comeback against Memphis for sure


The Memphis win has to be my favorite moment. It was Clayton Tune willing us to win and delivering. Tune willed us to win the Independence Bowl and delivered that one as well. He really carried this team on his back all year.


The UTSA game was the first Away game I attended as a fan, and I LOVED the experience.

Everything from staying in a Hotel next to the Riverwalk, getting to explore the city.

Going to an UH Alumni Dinner the day before the game, and then an UH Alumni Pre-Game Social where I got to meet & talk to Coog Fans of different ages, all coming in from different parts of the U.S.

And of course, the game winning play with Tune’s heroics in true Cardiac Coog fashion.


Honestly (and I don’t mean this sarcastically or as a jab), my favorite part of this season was the week leading up to opening day. This was the most excited I have been for a UH football season since Herman. The buzz was national and uniform, it was the last year as a G5, and it really felt like all the pieces were there. Word out of camp was that the team hadn’t had “a single bad practice.” It was, literally, the high for me.


Keeping with the true definition of “moment”, it would be the 4th and 11 scramble by Tune that sparked the team to win against Memphis. That was an incredible play.


That last touchdown to beat ULALA with mere seconds remaining. I’ve never seen a team yap like they did. Played dirtier than Navy ever did.


Easy, it’s Memphis comeback. Because Memphis sucks

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Memphis game.

The ECU win. I did not expect a win and we blew them out. I assumed the team was starting gel and then Tulsa happened. COOGs can be a frustrating team but I love watching them win or lose.