Feds to pay through the nose

I’m all for family compensation but I’d like to hear from the tort reformists and lawyers about this amount.

That said, that was a horrific tragedy but who or what is truly and ultimately to blame? This is where keeping my opinion to myself might be prudent, at least for now. :thinking:

It’s behind a pay wall.

Try this:


Interesting theory.

I wonder if the judgment will hold up on appeal.

That said, the Air Force should indeed have entered his name on the NCIC list, but it’s hard for me to see precisely how that would be the direct “proximate cause” of what happened there.

I mean…he could have always illegally purchased a gun on the streets and committed the same crime, right?

Brief synopsis:
A federal judge in Texas ruled Monday that the Air Force must pay more than $230 million to survivors and victims’ families for the church shooting that killed over two dozen people.

The shooter, Devin Patrick Kelley, should not have been able to buy a gun since he received a bad conduct discharge after pleading guilty to two counts of domestic violence.

But the Air Force failed to enter his name into the National Criminal Information Center, and Kelley was able to pass a background check and buy at least two guns because of this failure.

40% perpetrator

60% government failure