Final Four

Grr. Was hoping the Coogs would be playing Kansas in a preview of future Big 12 bb battles but oh well. Good season regardless.

I got Kansas winning and playing UNC in the finals with the tar heels pulling off the big W. Anywho, woah Bundy!

I hope I’m wrong, but I’ve got Duke winning it all. :unamused:


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Duke is going to get the calls… Coach K rides off into the sunset with another chip.

Really sucks that Moore from Nova went down against us… They’re done.

That Villanova game still bites badly. Still recovering from that one. Can’t reconcile how badly we shot the ball in an Elite Eight game.

Folks look to next years team as the team that could win the Natty, but I think if Fabian had showed up in this tourney and Edwards had shot the ball well in the Nova game we could have won the Natty this year.

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Kansas already has more 3’s than we had

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Sometimes all the shots fall… Even the bad ones.

Most times you get some good looks and knock down a lot of them… But not all of them.

Then there’s our game against Villanova. We just needed 3 or 4 of the in and outs to drop. But instead as you know…

Edit:… so yeah, this could have been our year. But so can next year. I feel pretty good about next year.


Snead , Sasser , Mark return but who replaces Fabian’s leadership role . Edwards could fill that void if he returns but that’s unlikely to happen. Both Josh and Taze were experienced seniors. We don’t have that next year…

Next years team will be relatively young compared to this and last years team.

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Have you seen Jarace Walker play ? Worry not, he can take us where we want to go.

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I’ve been impressed with Sampson’s ability to create leaders out of these young men. It will be interesting to see who emerges into that role.


One of the impressive things about CKS’ teams is that there always seems to be a leader waiting in the wings

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Shead is the leader of next year’s team…hell, he was one of the leaders this year.


Edwards is not returning, he said he is not using his last year of eligibility, he is moving on

This sucks… my gut tells me we would’ve beat Kansas

The only reason Villanova was there it’s because UH shooting was cold.


Not if they came out shooting like they did against Nova

The way Kansas played today it would have taken our best effort of the year to win.
If you want to win a title you simply can’t shoot like we did against Villanova


Kansas and UNC. Hope Jayhawks win it all


Great game by UNC!

I think Kansas should win, but we know what they say about “should”.

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