My first Coog game was football in 1999 versus Rice in the newly refurbished Robertson. It was packed and we win with Kim Helton as our coach.
Mine was the Bleachergate game in 2001. I was a sophomore. Went to see what the controversy was about. That was some bad football, but the student section was a lot of fun so I kept going.
- coach yeoman …running the veer, gerald landry was qb and we beat the rice birds…it was not a good year but we went to the cotton bowl vs doug flutie and boston college the next year…that was yeoman’s last year.
UH vs Texas State in 2012 as a freshman. We got destroyed by a team I had never heard of up to that point.
Needless to say, very disappointing start. But it all worked out in the end!!
For me, it was 1998 against UCLA when I was a freshman. We lost 42-24 to go 0-3 on the season. We finished at 3-8 that year under Kim Helton. Unfortunately, it didn’t get much better for me in my 4 years as an undergrad culminating in the infamous 0-11 season under Dana Dimel my senior year.
I started with Rice at Reliant 2004. 10-3 loss.
I finished with Rice at Rice 2008. 56-42 loss.
(Technically I was still enrolled in fall 2009 after a summer session that ran past the graduation application deadline – also got in with the Cougar Keepers for that season so sideline pass! and more free time to travel to most away games that year)
Went to a few games as a kid against UT in the Dome back in the early 90s, but I was wearing burnt orange. First game I attended as a UH student was UTEP at Robertson in '08. Phenomenal comeback with I believe 3-4 TDs in the 4th quarter.
My first UH football game was my freshman year in 2008 when we opened up the first game against Southern. We beat them 55-3 to start off the Kevin Sumlin era.
Now as a UH graduate, I have had season tickets since 2013.
2001 loss to Rice at Robertson.
Some great memories. My first game was in 1964. My date and I loaded on a bus of frat pledges to drive to College Station to watch UH play A&M. That Aggie stadium wasn’t one bit better than Jeppesen Stadium, which was UH’s home field in those days. The Aggies won that game but we had so much fun I barely remember the outcome.
1987 opener against Oklahoma State.
Barry Sanders was quite impressive. The Coogs - not so much.
But I was also there for the rest of the games that season, and the 60-40 win over UT was the start of something pretty cool.
The win over Georgia in 1967. I was a high school sophomore and I came with some teammates. I was at the 100-6 beat down of Tulsa in 1968. That was the last game I saw until I moved back here to enroll in 1970. Haven’t missed many since.
And who was the OC for that Rice team? Makes complete sense now, doesn’t it?!
1987 UH-UT is the 1st I remember. Dome was loud and the Coogs won 60-40. I was 10.
Dec 3rd, 1977 @ Kyle Field. Aggies win 27-7 to avenge a loss to the Coogs in '76.
My first UofH game was first game of the 75 season vs Rice at the Astrodome. (It was our last year as an independent.) It was weird rooting against Tommy Kramer, my classmate at San Antonio Robert E. Lee. If I remember correctly, Rice won - ugh!
Sept 3rd, 2011 vs UCLA. My freshman year. I just joined one of the business orgs and went to their tailgate. So much fun! …Honestly, don’t remember much of the game.
September, 1964…UH beat a$m at Robertson (Jeppensen then)…10-0. Brutal and boring game.
My first game as a Cougar.
Actually, I saw UH games back in the mid-50’s at Rice stadium. Went with Cub Scout Troupe, but of course, I do not remember much about them.
The Troupe went to an LSU/Rice game that year. All I remember was the LSU cheerleaders yelling…
"What comes out of a (Oriental Person’s) A$$…Rice…Rice…Rice !!!
Times have changed !!!
Houston v TCU 1988
1986 loss to Baylor in Bill Yeoman’s last year. We went 1-10 in a Astrodome that was very cavernous and morgue-like.