First Two Games Remind Us of Recruiting Rankings

We all have frequently commented on our low-level recruiting, going back to Applewhite.

Easy to see it on the field against Cincy, UTSA, and Tx Tech. Each one has talent at our level(UTSA) or above our level…the other two.

Glad to see that recruiting has picked up since The Big 12 invite.

All can see our OL, which has seen sub-par recruiting for many years.

The remaining 2022 opponents do not seem to hold a talent advantage. Maybe equal to us, but not glaringly superior.

Coach Yeoman was a tremendous recruiter. By his 5th. Season he had lots of real Football players, and had a great run.

As Head Coach is Dana a good recruiter? Never met him. Did meet and speak with Coach Yeoman several times. He was impressive. West Point demeanor. And outgoing.

We need that to recruit. Hope we have it.

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We lost our two best running backs, we are in trouble

I would go back to Herman. He recruited very little as he knew he wasn’t hanging around. 4 poor years of little recruiting is now showing up.

I think it will take another 2 to 3 years of improved recruiting to get the talent and depth levels back up to compete for big12 titles !!


Haven’t been able to find an injury report regarding Campbell, Henry, or anyone else. Anyone have an update?

I just heard he left the field on a cart a was waiting for xrays