Forget cold fusion in a about...ROOM TEMPERATURE semi-conductivity?

This would be a game changer, if true.

The publication already has its doubters, but at least this one was published and is subject to real peer-review.



“The results, published today in Nature, appear to show that a conventional conductor — a solid composed of hydrogen, nitrogen and the rare-earth metal lutetium — was transformed into a flawless material capable of conducting electricity with perfect efficiency.”

Yes, could be more impactful, or at least majorly impactful much sooner, than fusion.

And the then…

“others are far more cautious, pointing to the research group’s controversial history of alleged research malfeasance”

Yikes. Well, results have to be repeated anyway…

But see.

That’s the GOOD thing here.

Unlike the University of Utah’s cold fusion in a bottle fiasco, this was at least legitimately published and, as such, is subject to legitimate peer review.

That’s happening.

We’ll see if it withstands scrutiny!

…Jezz…need to read fully before commenting. The “near-room pressure” is TOTALLY BS. Stupid headline. Maybe its a lot less than others…but it requires 1 gigapascal which = 1000Bar (1 bar is basically the entire weight of our entire atmosphere).

What applications could you use it given that it needs 1000 Bar pressure constantly to work?

Hmmm…was trying to dismiss much of the article that was focusing on malfeasance. Then this ending…reminding me of EEstor all the sudden…

" To allow other labs to faithfully reproduce the results, the group must be willing to share their entire raw data set along with detailed sample-preparation methods, or to send samples of their material to other labs to test, said Hamlin.

However, outside access may fall short of the community’s hopes. Dias and Salamat have founded a startup, Unearthly Materials, which, Dias said, has already raised over $20 million in funding from investors including the CEOs of Spotify and OpenAI.* They’ve also recently applied for a patent on the lutetium hydride material, which would deter them from mailing out samples. “We have clear, detailed instructions on how to make our samples,” Dias said. “We are not going to distribute this material, considering the proprietary nature of our processes and the intellectual property rights that exist.” He suggested that “certain methodologies and processes” are also off the table.

“Without breaking any IP laws, we’re happy to share what we did,” Dias said. “There are some limitations as well, but I think we can work out something.”"

Actually, under Patent Law, they are required to fully disclose the specifications of any new invention, method, or process.

If a patent is granted, they’d have an exclusive right to make, use, sell, or license it.

However, the specifications would be there for everyone to see, that way, when the patent expires, other people can make and use it. That’s how specific those disclosures have to be, and if they aren’t clear and specific enough, the patent application may be denied on that basis.

That said, there are other hurdles for them to overcome, like the non-patent ability of natural phenomena, etc.

We’ll see how this goes.

As I said, at least this was PUBLISHED so that it can be reviewed and debunked if necessary.

Can’t say the same for cold fusion in a bottle.

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