Future Realignment Thread

This is also true, but this provision also applies to the current active deal.

Separate from the extension option although both would result in bad news for the ACC regardless

There is a misunderstanding. ESPN signed a deal with the ACC that expires in 2036. Not 2027. That deal coupled the media rights agreement with the ACC network.

In that agreement, espn has the sole unilaterally option of getting out of the deal in 2027.

They need to make that decision by February 2025 and there is no rush to do so.

If they choose to continue, the current agreement will continue as is. No renegotiation or new agreement.

Espn could agree to some things in good faith, a look in raise and that sort of of stuff, but the principle agreement will not change.

More likely than not that espn, continues with the ACC. They are as cheap as dirt. Easy money.

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There are multiple threads as to which 4 we take and there are WAAAAAAAAAAAAY more than 4 options.

Remember the Big 12 was down to 7 slappies + Kansas and rebuilt by adding 4 G5s

There are way more valuable “brands” in the ACC if the big 4 leave- Miami, North Carolina State, Virginia Tech, Duke,Georgia Tech, PITT, Louisville than the hateful Eight OU/UT left behind

I think I understand your post.

So are you saying that if ESPN remains quiet, the option is automatically taken?

It was my understand that they have until Feb 2025 to decide if they want to take the option, not opt out of the option.

However, if you are correct then that’s my mistake

appreciate the clarification

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And guess what?

At least four of those brands will probably head to the Big 12 at that point, given that without the four biggest brands, there’s NO WAY IN HELL they get a TV deal better than the Big 12, and almost certainly worse.

At that point, the ACC’s only choice will be to become AAC 2.0.

Exactly, that’s my understanding too. I could be wrong though.

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Those brands aren’t worth it for ESPN as a sole partner.

ESPN wouldn’t pay the Big 12 as a sole partner either with their current terms

ESPN would rather renew with UNC, UVA, FSU and Clemson than have them depart for FOX properties in the B1G.


Read this on Yahoo! earlier. If he is saying this out loud, it means that there have already been “discussions”.

So my money is that UNC is gone in about a year or so.

Tobacco road needs to get the load of money Reality check from one of there Regents they be stupid not take a B1G invite when time comes.

After all that PAC still end up on the CW.

I’m happy for OSU and WSU getting their home games on broadcast networks.

How many UH home games will be on broadcast networks?

I’m curious to know how much are the networks paying them?


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So why haven’t they publicly announced/exercised the extension option yet to their Grant of Rights?

What’s the hold up?

I’ll leave it up to wwhokie1:

The guy in this video confirms that the ACC GOR is specifically tied to ESPN so if ESPN dumps the ACC, the ACC GOR is invalid as you said.

Any school can leave if they pay the exit fee.

Interesting, but even if this wasn’t the case I just don’t understand how a conference can enforce a GOR without the ability to actually pay them.

Clearly espn wants to “consolidate” its products/offerings. They do not view the accc as a product where they want to increase their investments. If they did they would have already done so. What espn wants is the acc to crumble just like the PAC12 did. Reinvest the money into the sec and maybe, just maybe into the BIG12. This is why FSU, Clemson and others want to leave. We are indeed heading toward a P2 and at beast a P3. Like it or not this is being dictated to us.

With the news today
 I still believe the end game is a P2 of (2) 24 school conferences for a total of 48 total schools (depending on what ND does)

They will destroy the ACC, then move the P2 pieces to a P2 conference and move the “potential” pieces to the new Purgatory Conference (Big 12).

THEN when the Big 12 contract is up for renewal, they will determine WHICH pieces are p2 worthy and they will move them to the P2 for a 2 x 24 MAJOR LEAGUE FOOTBALL Conference.

Those on the outside will HAVE NO ABILITY to keep up. The 48 P2 Schools will trump in Media payouts + what the schools can pay players directly + NIL donations + NIL Marketing Opportunities + Recruiting and Facilities advantages.

They’ve ALWAYS been set on a P2
they didn’t know if the Big 12 OR the PAC would die first but it was the PAC
Next is the ACC
then they will circle back around and kill the Big 12.

I don;t mean cease to exist, I mean to strip the conference of any of the traits of a Power Conference and once the media outlets drop their payment to G5 level
they will have no money. Again, they will still play the games
the content will still b ether 
it will be G5 Minor League content.

We better HOPE the B1G wants a P2 school in Texas.

Unfortunately, the Holgorsen hire may have been the nail in the coffin for us unless Fritz can REBUILD this program fast and have us ‘head and shoulders’ above Texas Tech and TCU by 2031.