FYI, Case Keenum a guest on monday night football manningcast

Not sure when but heard peyton say so on the pre game a few minutes ago, mannigcast is on espn2.


McCaffrey is on now

On right now

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Case on now, 8:05 pm cst

I like that Case is playing along but this is dumb. I get that Eli had little time to prepare for Case because Kevin Hart had to cancel but he is still a football guy. He should be able to ask some relevant questions.

It was cool the first year they did it.
I’m over it now

yeah, its usually not good enough to sit thru, but it was CK; so I put it up; CK force is strong on coogfans.

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Yeah I stopped watching them when they started bringing on guest.

This whole “Just us bros sittin’ around talkin’ football and acting stupid” bit isn’t really for me. I feel the same about Pat McAfee. Maybe it’s the difference between a Gen Xer like me and Milennial/GenZ sensibilities. Or maybe it’s because I actually trained for sports broadcasting in my UH years, so I prefer a certain level of preparedness and preparation.

I thought Case did a great job. Happy for him to get that kind of exposure.


Ugh It was not good. Keenum’s mic setup didn’t help matters

Looks like Keenum will start vs the Browns.

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5 best moments from Case Keenum’s appearance on ESPN’s ManningCast with Peyton and Eli Manning (


I can’t think of 1 good moment from his appearance, let alone 5. Nothing to do with Case but the brothers could have handled it better, short notice or not.

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I did not know they hosted non-NFL QBs.