Game day thread. UH vs UTA

I didn’t see it.

Anyone have a scouting report on UTA?


Our opponent is UT Arlington.

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Thanks for the catch…lol.

ESPN3 @ 7:00pm
Houston is a 13.5 pt favor

Coogs win by 24 book it

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Coached by former UT player Chris Ogden. Watch the video from yesterday for a little scouting report from Sampson.

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Undefeated since 1985…err , that is the “Movin’ Mavs” Football saying…

UTA beat Tulsa and has been to the tournament recently. They’re not a pushover.

CKS said they use motion offense Rice and BYU made us look stupid multiple times with their backdoor cuts. We’ll see if we’ve improved. And if we have to switch (the easy answer to a motion offense IMO) to a zone to win.

UTA runs a motion offense & lots of “ball reversal” according CKS! Must be disciplined in our defense.

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Everyone healthy tonight?

I’m feeling pretty good…a bit of arthritis in the elbow.


I know coach doesn’t like it but this team has played good the couple times in zone on defense. We shut Rice down in the second half in it. This would be a game to play a little zone because in man to man the Coogs tend to over pursuit.

Hurt my wrist getting thrown the other day. But overall for 41 feeling good.


W00T WO0T!!! GAME DAY!!!

I see we’ve got jokes tonight… lol


Man, this place is empty!

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Are all the freeways backed up? Nobody is here. I know 45 is a mess but how about 288?

I don’t understand. If experience is the most important thing this time of year, why has everybody in the country played more games?

Lewter and Saltzman with the call tonight.