Gary Patterson

This is the guy. Go get him and bring in Brennan Marion from UNLV as OC.


He knows how to set a culture.

Not sure how our fans will react.


He is the football version of Coach Sampson to me.


If he can show us he still has the fire, I would love to have him


He is only 63, thought he was older. Seems like a solid choice


He gets a little red face to me with the players… would like to know what his former players think. Always have thought well of the program he runs however.

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CDH 2.0


So what do we want y’all?

A hot commodity that’s looking to win and bounce after two seasons, or someone who wants to retire here (what Dana said)???

I don’t get it

You mean never won a natty… :crazy_face:

I love CKS… Just a joke.

Ole he’s too old🤣 same age as Fritz. Only thing about Patterson is that massive ego. But then again maybe a good thing if Pez is sticking around.

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Prehaps not all Coogfans want the same thing.
I hope the powers that be aren’t stuck on finding a long term hire. We shouldn’t be afraid of success getting a guy hired away, short term success would be nice right now


I’m all in. Go get him! Although I said this same thing about Holgy too. Ha

Hey I was in the same camp :joy:. I just think Dana got a little too comfortable living the Houston lifestyle, and I’ve never gotten that vibe from Patterson


Yeah and someone as tenured as Gary is going to probably want a high buyout right away

And if Gary doesn’t produce the results we want, then we’re back in the same situation we’re in with Dana

I think we need to snatch a up and comer instead of banking on someone like Gary Patterson. If the up and comer ends up doing well, then we the board can discuss and appropriate raise to the buyout

I think Gary would outperform Dana in every metric, but it’s still a financial risk

Just like Willie Fritz.

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I’ve long been a proponent of hiring the up and comer, top coordinator type, and I wouldn’t be opposed this time either. I just think that pool of guys isn’t as strong as it was when we hired Herman or Sumlin.

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What is up with the obsession with coaching candidates in their 60s?
We can’t be the last stop before retirement.

Which is exactly why they’re going to ask for high buyouts

Dana’s situation was just a massive screw up by Pez in every regard

Hate talking about firing people so bluntly, but that extension alone should lead to Pez’s firing (which is probably why he’s interviewing with other schools)


Worked ok for us in basketball.


Kelvin is a unicorn, and the difference between Kevin and other coaches is that Kelvin’s son is head coach in waiting (expectation of continuity)