Glass Half Full

UH will be very unlikely to pay the $100,000 bonuses for each win over 9 or a conference title.

Donofrio’s buyout is 200K.


His defense is awful.


We just closed UCF’s very slim window at the playoff. They need to face and beat a dominant top 10 UH team in the CCG.

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Dominant ?? Lol

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Yes…UCF’s dream scenario would be for UH to dominate every team moving forward. Thus increasing our changes of moving up the playoff rankings. Then they would beat that dominant UH team in the championship game, adding a top 10 win to their resume.

They were rooting for a 82-24 beat down as much as we were.

We have not played a single game like a Top 10 team this year.

If I am not mistaken we have only one win over a team with a winning record (USF) and now a loss to a team with a loosing record. Yikes! Just think we were on the verge of loosing to Rice.

If we get rid of D’Onofrio, there is no reason to keep Applewhite around. That would make him 1-2 at best hiring coordinators. We can’t trust him to hire the next. Either get rid of Major and Mark, offer Briles to job as HC/OC or do nothing.


UCF’s slim to none chance died with USF losing back to back games. Cincy is their only chance for a quality win before the CCG, Temple has too many losses for a G5 to count.


How many times do I have to say this, we are not firing a coach who is 7-2. If we fire a coach like that, why would any coach want to come to UH? It is ridiculous. We would never get a decent coach again. Our defense is terrible but guess what, if Briles doesn’t have a meltdown on playcalling, we win yesterday! Our defense did make some stops including a fumble recovery for a TD. As long as we play the offense we are capable of we can legitimately win out! UCF does not have a good defense either.


We lose one game and now all of sudden a bunch of posters who said we should be winning are saying we will Lose out. It is always the extreme on this board. My goodness! The sky is always falling after a loss. We do this every year no matter who the coach is and lose a game we should have won. This is nothing new unfortunately is the Coog way. We also do the same in Basketball and Baseball every year as well.


You are right, you don’t fire him after he goes 7-2. You fire him after he goes 8-4 on a 100+ SOS and doesn’t make the championship game for the second straight year.


Isn’t D’Onofrio’s contract over at the end of this season ?

The only difference between this year’s team and last year’s is Kendall. All great offes=nses have an off game or 2 during a season. The defense has to pick them up


But THIS job so so much more about JUST the Win/ Loss record

-Does he market the program to the city and generate interest…does he go above and beyond…NO

-Does he personally engage students to attend games (i.e. Herman going dorm to dorm to personally extend invitations, etc.)…NO

-Does he perform his obligation of appearing on talk shows…YES

-Does he get his team prepared for ALL games…Is there structure, is there communication…NO

-Does he hire competent assistant coaches and coordinators-- NO to DEBATABLE

-Does he hustle to get better than expected recruiting classes …NO despite this being the #1 reason why he deserved the job according to Uncle Tilman

-Does he look for opportunities to add Grad Transfer talent…YES

-Has he proven he can win against sub .500 competition…YES but it is not easy for him

-Has he proven he can consistently win against above .500 competition…O,how many of here are convinced AMA will out-coach OU and WSU next year and lead us to victory? We NEED those type of statement wins!

I’m sure you guys can add more to the list but it is NOT just about the W-L record.


89th overall. Dead f#cking last in FBS for pass yards conceded.

This is his definition of a ‘bad ass’ defense.


How much does Herman credit for leaving us absolutely no depth when he left? He must have put no effort into recruiting linebacker and secondary depth. It clearly shows he recruited the best-rated players overall and not position by position basis.

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Irrelevant. There is no way that anyone can convince me that our defense ranks 89th in talent.

We’ve played 2 teams with a winning record this season. It’s not like we’ve been playing powerhouses. Our defensive scheme makes the least use of the talent we do have.


All coaches are ultimately judged on their win loss record. In my case, the jury is still out on CMA. I gave him a pass last year. Would have done that for any first time head coach.

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My goal before the season was 9-10 wins and go into the Memphis game with a chance at the CCG. We still have that ability this year.

If we lose either of the next two games, I’d strongly think about changing head coaches. If he wins both, I’m fine with keeping CMA as long as changes are made on defense.


CMA knows the temperature of the room. He’s seeing exactly what we’re seeing. I have a good feeling he’ll make a change at DC