GOD AWFUL stat from J. Duarte on Twitter


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But yet they had a chance. I missed the 1st half but based on what I read I don’t think I will go back to watch it.

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D was much better 2nd half. Our offense is very inconsistent still.

I believe we went 9 straight game minutes without a point…last 7 minutes of first half and first 2 minutes of second half !!

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We shot 23% in the first half you aren’t going to beat anyone when you shoot that bad.

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Agree…that was the game in a nutshell. I think we shot too many 3’s in the first half.

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That is when I wish Grimes would got strong to the hole. Make it a miss three in a row threshold…then blast your way in.

Agree, we whipped the ball around the horn and mainly shot misguided treys…there just wasn’t much movement in our offense in that first half…the second half was much better, but it was our defense that carried us back into the game…

I think Deeky is a Benny Anders instant offense 6th man. I just don’t see him as a starting PG.


All I know is every time he starts to dribble I grit my teeth and cross my fingers. His ball skills still need a LOT of work.

This game and last have me wondering if the team is having a “Who can throw the ugliest pass” contest. It isn’t just Dejon, there’s been enough bad passing by everyone to drive a coach and fans insane.

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This was a “solid” loss. OSU is not Colgate.

It hurts…but maybe not as bad as that Drexel loss hurt us a few years ago.

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OSU is a very good team. Unfortunately for UH we lost a home game while the Cowboys best player sat out the game due to injury. At this point of the season, OSU is the better team.

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It was clear to me that the Coogs in the first half and some of the second half just didn’t want to or know how to drive the ball to the basket. One player would start and then as he got close would stop and pass the ball to the outside…wtf? Even if you don’t think you can make the lay up, chances are that you can draw a foul.


All three losses are to teams in the Top 100. The only issue right now is none of the wins are from that same group. Hard to say what kind of team this is right now but they are suffering without a Galen type running the offense and getting quick transition baskets with his dribble speed. Sampson was right though: “Freshmen can’t defend.”

Sure hope the Hawaii trip helps to get some offensive mojo going.

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Seems as if the good teams have a good enough zone defense to clog the middle and force our guards to shoot outside which none of them are good shooters. They are all slashers. This is what’s been killing us offensively IMO

If there is any consistency in perimeter shooting then they could spread the floor but not one player has been a consistent shooter from beyond the arc

The one thing I’ve not heard mention is “shot selection” . . . . . Several shots, some made and many missed, were from a player shooting from a position not conducive to quality shots . . . . . I remember a couple of shots taken where the shooter looked like he was laying out to catch a football pass. Too many were taken off balance, not getting feet on the floor and not squaring up the shoulders . . . . . Just my take from row 20 . . . . .

Texas Tech was flying high after drubbing No. 1 Louisville and almost fell on their game faces at home against Southern Miss last night. The high flying Raiders trailed 32-25 at half after shooting only a little over 20 percent from the field…sound familiar?
The Raiders were able to come back and win in the second half, but it goes to show you that anyone can have off nights. OSU, I would venture to say, is much better than USM, but we simply gave them too much padding in the first half and then ran out of gas after tying the game late…we move on…