H Association 45th BBQ

The 45th annual H Association BBQ will be this Sunday February 19th in the Club at TDECU starting at 11:00am.
In addition to great food & fellowship, Bill Worrell will interview some of our Cougar greats including Micheal Young, Ken Ciolli & Galen Robinson plus a Mystery guest. Tickets are: $25 each or 4 for $85 & Sponsorships are $250 including 6 tickets & $500 including 10 tickets plus both give you recognition at the event & on our Web site & Social Media.
Go to uhletterwinners .com fro purchase or let me know.
Proceeds support scholarships for our athletes & providing Rings for graduating Seniors. GO COOGS!


FYI They put the incorrect day for the bbq. It is on SUNDAY February, 19th.

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Russell, where was the incorrect date posted? So we can correct. Thanks

In the H Association they had the bbq for Saturday. The date was correct but not the day.

I’ve never been before. Should I wear my Sunday best or get dressed in coogs gear?

Coog gear is highly acceptable & encouraged but those coming direct from their service of choice feel free to come as you are!

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I got 4 for the bbq

Can you walkup and pay there ?

John, my apologies for not getting back. We accepted walk-ups. Served 600 + on Sunday. H Association appreciates the outstanding support.

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Many thanks. Bo

There are some things to clean up for the next round including who starts the ceremony on the mic.
Speaking of microphones it seems we are still using a bad one that has had the same issues in the past. Any chance we can throw it in the trash and purchase a few extras that work?

Agree microphone & sound needs to be better.
For being the 1st time we used this format, we’re pleased on the feedback. Good to hear from folks who were key contributors to establishing UH Athletics.

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