Has Dana brought the SWAGGER back to UH Football?

When Tom Herman was here, Houston was a program with a lot of buzz and there seemed to be a certain swagger about the football program. In addition to winning, Herman was active in the media and used things like radio interviews, funny youtube videos and diamond grillz to keep us relevant.

When Applewhite took over any buzz UH had was immediately gone. I wasn’t sure if we would see that kind of buzz again.

Then Dana took over and his approach has been a SLOW BUILD that is starting to get results but he has never been the type of coach to be a “Hype Guy” or Salesman that tries to get attention or media interest for the program.

HOWEVER lately I feel like UH is getting back a certain SWAGGER and EDGE again that is attracting recruits and interest from fans and media. Now I’m seeing witty social media engagement, cool photo shoots and themes and recruits are really talking about Houston a lot. I honestly didn’t expect this from a Dana Holgorson regime. I LOVE IT but I’m a bit surprised!

WHAT THE HECK IS GOING ON AROUND CULLEN BLVD? Has Dana brought the SWAGGER back to the Houston Football Program?





Find out how many season tickets have been sold and that’ll be your answer.

Alot of us are still waiting to see.


Yes let’s see how the first few years in the big boy club (big 12) go, it won’t be the lowly AAC anymore no Tulsa, Tulane, ECU teams, we will be playing big boy football, I’m cautiously optimistic


When CDH arrived, we didn’t have anything to rave about or produce glitz. We had just come off losing to Army 70-14 after a disappointing season. Holgorsen was concerned more about how to turn this thing around and knew it would take some drastic measures, but it produced results last year and looks to have sustainability. I think our future is much brighter now.

Herman came into a team built for success and his snake charming worked for a season. However, all of the PT Barnum antics were more to promote Herman than UH. He came in looking to leave for better things, even if it meant burning UH’s future. He was a charlatan out to bamboozle UH on his way to more riches. To the contrary, Dana is here to build a program for the long haul and has no desire to go anywhere else.


I like what I am seeing. Good staff, improving facilities, supportive administration and productive recruiting. You build one brick at a time. I’d rather have a bricklayer than a haystacker.


The Athletic put out an article about the fall of USF over the past 15 years. It really has nothing to do with UH, but at the ending reminded me of what is happening here under Dana:

He said he learned to accept that after a conversation with his dad’s old boss at Florida State, Bobby Bowden.

“When I got the job my first year, I was actually talking to Coach Bowden a little bit,” Scott said. “We were emailing back and forth. He would get up every morning at like 5 a.m. and answer his emails. He told me that when you take over a new program or a program that has some rebuilding to do, he said the first year you lose big; the second year you lose close; the third year you win close; the fourth you win big.


Our football program is in pretty good shape. We are a top 30 type program. I think we can get it to a top 20 type program in few years. I think our ultimate upside is a top 15 type program.

Not until we start getting t-shirt fans interested in our program .

Herman did that…and there were a lot of t-shirt fans. I know, because i was able to easily convince them to go to games with me.

CDH is on the right track but he hasn’t quite captured the attention of the while city yet, as did Herman and Sampson.

In all honesty, Herman F’d up his chance to build sometimes magical here. He was never going to be abls to.do that at the University of Austin.


Losing Alton McCaskill this year is a HUGE blow. Need to see how they bounce back where Tune may be ask to carry the team more. I have faith unless otherwise.

I’m not going to sugar coated like some of our other posters just to get cheap likes.


:grimacing:Careful, we might have some on here that would take offense to that. Am I right? No names will be mentioned. :upside_down_face:

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I will gladly give you your 10th like for another badge for you

While I love AMc we won 13 games with our defense being great and the offense staying out of the way. We didn’t rely on them much to win games and never really sat back and watched our run game take control.

This season we have another defense that can be great, maybe even better.
Our offense, on the other hand, will be better with or with AMc.


Inviting Lamar Jackson to town seemed to work.

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I was going to tagged him but i rather not since i don’t want to listen to any of his weekly rants in here :joy:

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Means nothing for this coming season. How many season tickets we sell in first Big 12 season is a number you can measure the program by…


I’m not sure what the excitement level is in the Houston area for UH football. We fans are excited, but I’m not so sure about the city. It’ll take time and some marquee wins for the excitement to spread.

Having said that, I was looking at our incoming transfers and there seems to be considerable buzz in the portal community among players from the Houston area.
Here’s a list of who’s coming home and from where:
Lucas Coley - San Antonio (it’s kind of suburb, right?) - Arkansas
Tyler Johnson - Conroe - Longhorns
Brandon Campbell - Katy - USC
Lance Robinson - Camilla, Ga - Middle Tennessee
Joseph Manjack - Tomball - USC (Wins my prize for the best name. He should hyphenate it.)
Jamal Morris - Richmond - OU
Trimarcus Cheeks - Hampton, Ga - Samford
Brice Johnson - Greenville, Ms - Ole Miss

I think if the locals coming home really buy in, they will be great for recruiting.


If they start 2-0 at the road the bandwagon will be full.


And we can include our home away from players coming from Georgia!

No he should not. People will think he is in the adult film industry.


I think of a jackhammer! Bring the pain