Have Mercy!



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Make em say UH !…



I think that this video is about a week or two old, isn’t it? Either way, I’m glad that he is with the team.

New to me…

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UH’s Mercy Miller says he’s ‘best hooper’ in famous family (chron.com)


someone just posted full season reel (30 min) of mercy in high school

it will be really hard to keep him off the floor


A lot of great competition on the bench. We know the first 7 but outside of that it’s anybody’s guess. I think Sampson will just ride the hot hand all year

i actually dont think it will rotate all season, but just about 10 or so games … each players is so uniquely different and most arent offense based, i think by the 10th game one of them will be established in their skill set and role

status quo (everyone plays like they did last year) my guess at what ill be by the 10th game:
top 6 are practical locks
7th - Mercy - his build/body is better than i had anticipated, ONLY scorer off the bench & good rebounder
8th Arc -
9th Ramon
10th Lath- situationally
11th Mylik
12th Mccarthy
13th Mcfarland
14th Kord

Mylik is 7th imo game 1 but not game 10 … ramon has a chance to be 7th as a quick release no hesitation 3pt shooter at 38%+ (or a driver)- his rebounding is that valuable, but not at 4pts per on 20mins a game… mcfarland is length we already have length… mccarthy at 12th is only a holdover till i hear that he can rebound, was not a notable rebounder at IMG despite his size, if we discover it was IMG’s system that prevented him from rebounding and he actually is a great rebounder (think dotson- pre and post UH) he automatically moves to 9th. Kord is last because i just cant see a time we’d need him, his strength is defense, imo if there was a ever a time we needed great perimeter D we’d just put in mylik, 6th year senior. we’d have to preseason redshirt one of the freshmen, then have an injury, while using heavy 4 guard (ramon and arc are established as 4s and we want to maintain that) for me to see a role for kord

Wilson will be a much more situational player than Lath who may be our 6th big if you include TA.
Can’t say I have any idea on Jefferson.

lath brings something the other just dont, and thats strength… imo mcfarland is likely better than lath, but everything mcfarland can do we can get from tulger and francis… if we are just getting pushed around and bullied on the boards, i can see sampson just throwing in lath as an attempt to killing the bleeding. something only lath can do. i saw a recent stat that we were the worst defensive rebounding team in the big 12, and bottom 22% nationally. i can see a situational use for lath

the rankings isnt on who is better but team needs and who else can do it…ie i had mercy as the 7th becuase he is the only offensive guy on the bench and we will need bench scoring to be great. or kords main skillset is defense, there are more experienced defensive players not freshmen

Is Lath’s situational playing called Hunter Dickinson? It seemed line in the game Hunter had some real trouble using kind of his limited move set against the larger body of Lath. That big clearing arm sweep of his definitely seemed nerfed.

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There were 2 occasions vs Kansas last year where lath got easy layups for Roberts because he literally just cleared out someone. His strength and athleticism can’t be undersold. I 100% believe there will be a time and need for lath’s ability’s.

I think the race comes down to can McFarland upgrade his strength before Lath upgrades his coordination. If lath can simply catch the ball and finish a open dunk. Hes the backup 5 imo. But thats a big if considering he couldn’t even catch rebounds last year.

This is the most excited I have been on UH bigs in a long time. Especially with TA at the small ball 4. I have a hot take that this years bigs will be better than our elite 8 team. (I already think Roberts is better than Fabian). I don’t know if that’s really a hot take considering some people have TA and JoJo 1st-2nd round talents.

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All depends on if he isn’t exposed on defense… we all know you don’t play of you can’t pick up the monster…

I agree his raw talent is amazing… Bully Ball!

I don’t think defense will be a problem for any of our bigs. Lath has been here a year and a half. Sampson said he will be a 5th semester guy. By conference play next year I think it will click for him and he will be at least a nice backup to bring in some muscle


I was impressed with his few minutes last season.

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