Here is a Dana lover

Read LumpyCapital’s defense of Dana it gave me a brain aneurysm.


He has to be a troll… he can’t be serious with his points…

I got about half way through and got bored with it. Lol

“ Is the coach bad, or do we genuinely just don’t have good enough football talent? How can people know which one is the cause?”

We lost to Rice

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If you have to type long paragraphs like that you more than likely don’t have a point and are hoping people wont read the whole thing.

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Both are his fault. :roll_eyes:


He literally tried to argue recruiting Donavan Smith proves Dana is a good recruiter. :rofl:

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Anyone who thinks Holgorsen is a great recruiter must be hallucinating.

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I literally had to stop reading because his arguments were so dumb.

Even Holgerson doesn’t think Holgerson is a good recruiter


The only “person” that loves Dana is a trophy. Maybe he’ll leave if we agree to let him keep it.


Whose job is it to bring in that talent?..Uh, I think that’s part of the HC’s job

You gotta admit, it’s a really cool trophy

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Then bring in a real Recruiting Coordinator. Belk is not the answer. Maybe Tony Levine could take a leave from Chick-fil-A and give it a go

Valid point.

You can bring in all the help you want but the HC will still have to be involved with the elite players. It’s just not something he is capable of.

At this point, the only people that would want UH to keep Dana are the other Big12 teams, so they can get easy wins against us.


I can’t believe this must be explained.

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Dana’s such a good recruiter that most of his NFL draft picks have been Major Applewhite recruits. Bringing in P5 backups is hardly good recruiting & even then we’re not coaching up or establishing an identity with this roster which is why you don’t even know what to expect every week

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