Hopes for next year roster wise

Realistic Hopes for next year

Shead - Has to be a better shooter, has to improve his defense against faster player

Mark - our entire season next year is heavily reliant on how much he grows, he has to be a star, he has to be in the conversation for 1st or 2nd team all-big 12 … if im honest he isnt close to that right now … he isnt particular great at anything (shoots a ton of mid ranges but isnt particularly great at hitting them at a high percentage game to game), he need an offensive skill that will guarantee him atleast 14 a night no matter the night (obviously more on certain nights)… the most preferable is improving as a driver and becoming a regular and1 threat… unlikely but becoming a 40% 3pt shooter would be big too-- something overlooked was he became a really good rebounder at the end of the season

– this will be hard to admit for some of our fans by mark/sheads presence (becuase of their skillset) is the biggest conundrum for the team, neither are great shooter

Jwan - talking realistically i think he is what he is (in regards to next season)… i think he will shoot 3s next year but it will be sparingly… he doesnt even shoot mid ranges this year. he isnt going to come out as a notable 3pt shooter from nothing. we’ll see 1 once every 2 or 3 games

Francis - is a really poor and slow decision maker. he wasnt put in a lot situations where he had to make decisions but the few he did he made slow and questionable ones. i think he decides what he wants to do before catching the ball and sticks with that decision no matter what… he’d get post feeds thinking he was going to score, a surprise trap would come (meaning shooters open)… he’d slowly still try to force the post shot and it would end up a bad shot… and the few times he’d pass it would take him forever to decide to pass … his bball iq had to go up -

Sharp - IMO even without coaching he would have had the biggest natural offseason jump. becuase his improvement areas are just to keep doing what he is already doing but better… and year 2 the game speed slows down… he needs to tighten up his shooting form, he shoots a different shot everytime (contorts his form to get shots up which is bad) and to tighten up the handles … but i expect a big offensive jump from him… getting in better shape for rebounding and defense wont hurt either

Arcenueax - highest potential on the team, but is at like 3% of that ceiling… he plays scared on offense. that imo is because he has never played on a team that has relied on him for offense (has always been the #2 guy even in HS)… he hesitates to shoot everytime… and didnt want the ball in his hands on the big moments… i hope the coaches spend so much time with him this offseason-- elite potential on Defense, elite potential on rebounder, elite potential on offense (has handles, size and a shot to be unguardable)

Mylik and Ramon- need drastic work on their shot and offense

My ideal Make up for next year (wont happen)

PG - shead
G - Mark
G - Transfer 6’4+ elite shooter
F - Transfer Stretch 4
C - Transfer Center - 240lb+ and a lop threat/rim protector (shead is better with a lob threat center)

6thman : Jwan


what I think it will actually be

PG - shead
G - Mark
G - Arceneaux
F - Transfer Stretch 4
C - Jwan

6thman : sharp

mylik (or transfer pg)


You are saying we need 3 transfers, and I agree.

Sampson got 3 transfers for 2022 and we made The Elite 8.

History can repeat itself. Hope it does.


Wheres the shooting coming from ?

Im glad you didnt put Sharp as starter.

I think hes a better fit as the 6th man insta offense like against N. Kentucky

I have my reservations on Mylik Wilson. He was brought in to back up Shead. But coach Sampson probably thought he wasnt ready so he red shirt him. I dont think that was the original plan.

I would think Sharp starts ahead of Arceneaux, Roberts slides to the 4, and we get a transfer center.


I think our starting SG & PF may come from the portal… I think TA comes off the bench until he improves and shows out on the court.


When we look at the portal, we have to start asking “what’s the NIL budget?” We got beaten last night by a guy that had a $800k NIL deal to go play at Miami.

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I think he’ll get some minutes but I have no idea how he’s looked in practice

I’m about to ask coach, guys…


My ideal lineup would be

Transfer 3
Kevin Cross
Russell Tchewa

Sharp, Arceneaux, Mylik, J’wan off the bench

I’m seeing the vision for Kevin Cross now

You want that transfer guard to be mainly a shooter? That can play off ball and doesn’t need it to get going, right?

Mark needs the ball in his hands. A lot.

We saw how that look when UH went up against Memphis minus Sasser plus Walker (lotto pick). No bueno.

Need another guard who can create his own offense but pass as well. Plus defender is a plus.

We bring in 3 transfers projected starters and Sampson will be facing some very unhappy bench warmers.
Roberts will be a senior and he is going to start.
Now if Sampson tells Arceneaux he is coming off the bench because we are bringing in a better players he could easily join a couple of others transferring out.
And I really doubt we redshirt anyone unless maybe in incoming point guard does.
Redshirting is a lost art.
That said we have decisions many teams around the country wish they had to make.
Going to be interesting for sure.


the transfer guard is preferably offball … shead and mark both need the ball in their hands, having another ball dominant player just makes no sense… would i like him to have top handles to potentially be the backup pg too? sure… but at some point you have to realize you arent picking up lebron in the portal…

priority on them being an experienced shooter, and tall for defense and rebounding

but like i noted i dont even think that how itll go… guessing we just move up sharp or arc… we’ve only targetted backup pgs and 4s in the portal so far…


True. Its going to pissed some of our fans. Im ready for it. Spot on Butch :writing_hand:


1000% agree.

He better have some nice handles or ill just play zone and trap so called player with Shead, Mark & Roberts out there lol

Cross would be a good pickup but he’s already transferred once (from Nebraska), so I tend to doubt he’ll be in the Portal.

“You didn’t run that by the Clown Take Improvement Council!”

I have no idea what you’re talking about. Seriously

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