Horn fan salty over Horns Down (CSNBBS)

My personal favorite quote:

Fighting Muskie Wrote: "Here’s my take on horns down:

If you’re going to use hook ‘em horns to celebrate and taunt when you’re doing well, don’t be shocked if your opponents use horns down when it’s them who is winning.

Frankly, Texas should be quietly taking whatever jeering they get from Big 12 opponents considering the fact that they decided to leave the conference for the SEC. If Big 12 schools are beneath them, then they shouldn’t be bothered by it. It just shows how fragile the Longhorn ego is—we can make hand gestures but you can’t, it hurts our feelings.

What the UCF players did wasn’t gratuitous—they didn’t it in the huddle to each other—not directed towards UT players, coaches, fans, etc. Coach Terry needs to grow up and show some maturity."

Bullet (UT fan) wrote (Post 103): "You shouldn’t comment about something you are totally ignorant about. It just makes you look stupid.

Hook’em is something you do to celebrate with other Longhorns. It is not a taunting symbol any more than Guns up or Gig em or the Bear claw or Cougar claw or Owl Wings are used to taunt opposing fans or teams."

I’ve tried to give him a reality check, they are reality delusional and faux outraged over this mess. I’m C2 by the way.


I want to see UT telling LSU and Florida fans they can’t do “horns down.”

They are making the age-old mistake of publicly airing their private insecurities. The enforcement mechanism won’t end well.


It’s only going to fuel the fire. Every opposing fan will be doing Horns down now just because.


VERY,very true ! The other UT (Tenn.) will make fun of them for sure . How do I know? I did grad work there.
Go Coogs !


Yes, since those folks are so arrogant they should get ready for the next level of taunting …like maybe drunk LSU fans?
Go Coogs !


I really want to go to Baton Rouge for UT”s first game there. It will be epic.


Charmin soft.

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To my Longhorn friends, a word of advice:

If you want to stop opponents from doing the horns down sign, it may be a good idea to stop whining and crying foul when it happens. That pours gasoline on the fire and encourages it even more.

Oh wait…


You know how brutal LSU fans can be !
Go Coogs !

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Does Bullet not know the Cougar Paw came about because UT taunted us for our Cougar losing a toe in her cage wire. The Paw is a response to their taunt that we will fight on even if hurt !
Go Coogs !


Horns down is similar to Cougar High. The best way to deal with it is to ignore it.

Fans will always taut an opponents area of emotional weakness or sensitivity.


I grew up in an OU household and have been “horns downing” since I was probably 10 years old. It’s not new, and those that are “offended” about it, probably would want you to know their pronouns.


Bullet’s actually a good poster on that site and has said some good and neutral things about UH. But for this thread I want to lump him with the rest of his fanbase.

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no high like a Cougar high… stick it in your pipe and smoke it! - Franklin


For some reason, the horns down hand sign draws a visceral response from some UT fans. Some years ago, the Mrs. and I were in NOLA having some drinks at a tequila bar in the French Quarter. We were sitting up front at the bar and a group young folks came in. We struck up a friendly conversation and eventually they asked what I did for a living. Told them I was an engineer and went to UH. Turns out some were recent UT grads starting careers and were interested in what “uncle” had to say.

At some point I jokingly flashed the horns down…and they went freaking nuts. One girl grabbed my hand/arm and another girl tried to put her hand on my mouth to keep me from talking. It was not in a mean/fighting way, but more like “shut your mouth uncle Schmo”. We all laughed afterwards but they were not amused with the horns down.


And I suppose we aren’t supposed to be annoyed when whorns throw out their “Cougar High” taunts since it’s all in good fun. Or is it just fun on their behalf.


If someone did the cougar paw down it would not even register with me. Just sports gestures.


That settles it. In order to keep their feelings from being hurt, the cows should change their logo immediately. I like marshmellows a lot.


When did horns down start? I can’t even remember. Somebody helps me out. I did it in the 80’s/90’s. This had to start in the early 1800’s. They obviously deserve it. Disenchanted mad cows u located in Austin fans? Deal with it and grow a …r.
Maybe there is a pole assassin dancer that wants to hear the complaints.

So UT can’t take it but we’re ok laughing at our cougar mascot missing a finger in the 50s. They are ok with cougar high comments like A&M says?

If we ban horns down then I want fines imposed for saying cougar high.

Fair play