Houston Astros 2023 Season on a daily roll

New York, Chicago and LA have two teams and I’ve often wondered if Houston will have two teams in the future. If so, probably a NL team.

White Sox trying to build a new stadium

Houston doesn’t need two teams. They would cannibalize one another. I don’t think its in the DNA of Houstonians to be hard core and support a team through thick and thin like they do in north Chicago.


'Tis the season for more Jake Meyers gaslighting. :laughing:


They at least mentioned Melton and Loperfido.

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If he’s that f- talented then why didn’t they play him more last year. This is starting to makr me dislike Brown.

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Don’t you remember that one game a couple of years ago?!!!??


C’mon, man.


Might as well call “Jake from Rake Farm”.

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Honestly, it wasn’t just one game. He was pretty good in ‘21 until he hurt his shoulder in the playoff game at the White Sox. He hasn’t been the same since. If he can recapture what he had during that brief stint, the Astros could have something. Right now, he has potential. It doesn’t hurt them to keep seeing if that potential can be realized, especially at spring training and the beginning/ first half of the season.

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The GM pointed to that one game and his minor league career as his rationalization for giving him the job in CF. That’s just silly, but when you don’t go out and acquire a better option, I guess you have to live with “potential.”

I hope he turns into something close to what he’s shown in small sample sizes, but his longer history doesn’t really point that direction.

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I don’t think he said that he plans on giving him the centerfield job. He pointed to that game, to show that the potential is there for him to be that type of player. He showed that in the minors and was good in ‘21. The injury was a setback for him and so he is saying, let’s see if we can get that type of play from him. If not, they have other options. It’s not like Meyers has a pricey contract. It’s spring training. Players go in competing for jobs.

Give Meyers a shot then move on if same old same old.
Meyers will still bring a solid low level prospect(s) if he stays the same.


  1. Joe Espada
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Give Chas 500-609 AB’s and leave Center field alone.


See, we have the DH though, so Yordan won’t always be in the field. I think Dubon will play some center as well but he will continue his ultility role around the diamond, so they are looking for that other option. But I like Chas better than Meyers and I would rather he be the EVERYDAY center fielder.

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This is my point. I guess it’s fine to keep giving Meyers more chances, but they shouldn’t come at McCormick’s expense. Brown’s comments continue to sound like the default is Meyers in CF, with Chas covering left when Yordan isn’t playing the field.

We’ll see. If his dad wasn’t a former major leaguer, I guarantee they wouldn’t see near as much “potential” in his game.

I don’t think this hinders McCormick at all. I think they want to unlock the best out of Meyers to a point that he does it consistently. McCormick’s numbers were great. Imagine if we could have a duplicate of that in Meyers. They’re not looking to go and spend big money on an outfielder right now, so why not see if they can get Meyers back to where he was at one point? And again, we’re talking spring training and the beginning of the season.

Who would you acquire?

They aren’t looking for anything from Meyers. They know what they have in him. It’s a PR stunt to make fans think this is intentional. I would rotate Dubon and Chas except when Dubon has to give the IF a break. Use those two when Yordan is DH.

Prediction: Dubon and Chas lay waste to Meyers in ST.

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Who knows how Spring Training will pan out but Brian Mctaggart seems to disagree with you.

I didn’t read anything in there that hasn’t been said already. Just another, “see what he can do.”

Good luck.

I’m thinking:

.209 BA
.611 OPS

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