How do you pour your beer

Not at tailgating but at home


Pop off the bottle cap. Bottoms up. Gravity does the rest.

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At home take the time to pour

Down my throat

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My favorite Norm joke from the show Cheers-
“Norm what do you say to a cold beer?”
“Going down”

My company owns restaurants under its umbrella. A waiter did that with my German beer at one of our places and I just stared at her. She chuckled and said, “beer tastes better like this.”

So the girl probably thought I looked like a UH tailgater or this is really the way you’re supposed to do it. Because I hadn’t heard that before. I doubt any waiter at Chili’s or Saltgrass has the stones to pour it that way. Damn sure not at Bombshells.

If your restaurant is serving beer at 29 degrees, they aren’t going to care how to pour it and their patrons aren’t going to notice how it tastes.

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What does 29 degrees do?

Nothing fantastic. Too cold to taste.

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Tilt the glass….pour beer slowly on the edge to prevent foam……

Jeez guys, is the Mexican the only one with a little class? Lol :joy:.

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Down the drain… :grin:



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My Irish genes…:rofl:

After I posted that meme….I started think….oh man….

….what is he pours it down the drain because “he’s sober” now…., then I thought, nah Kyle don’t seem like a “quitter”.

The long & short of it is I get in trouble when I drink so I don’t drink… I hangout with many drunks, though… :rofl:


A beer sommelier? Now I’ve heard of everything. What’s next, a soda sommelier? “Might I suggest Dr. Pepper to go with your cheeseburger?”

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