How's Your Day?

Follow the science.

Seems more like a fraud case than a science one.


lol, haven’t heard that phrase in a while

Exactly. They clearly didn’t follow the science…the well established science of DNA relative matching. That stuff has been around decades and has only gotten faster and more accurate over the years.

I, and a lot of my family, did 23andme over 10 years ago and it matches us all, even 2nd cousins perfectly. No one has ever had to call or email anyone at 23andme and tell them a match wrong or missed. Ever. Hell, this week apparently one of my nieces and a 1st cousin got on the platform…I got notified for both automatically (along with a lot of 4th cousins) and the relationship 23andme named was 100% correct.

Every single match has been 100% correct…including matching a cousin we never knew existed because she had been secretly birthed by one of my aunts and then adopted by a nice couple from Pennsylvania!

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Well, since you ast, crappy. I’m nursing a major cold and may not take a shower later because I’m afraid I might start shivering. But, hey, the Astros are playing the Royals, so all is good.