'I don't want to be a winner by cheating"

Powerful words. Its the values i was raised with. Yet throughout my life i have see people cheat to get ahead. Some things little some things bigger. But i always assumed the majority of Americans believe in the principles of fairness and doing right. Are we seeing the pendulum swing, are Americans more interested in winning than what is right


I hope not. We can survive others with other points of view having control. It is called Democracy.


Relevant testimony today…

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Couldn’t agree more Glenn…cheating today just seems to be the thing to get to the top, whether it be sports or politics or just about any business venture.
That said, well before I became a christian, I learned from my hard working dad and mom the value of being honest many years ago.
I see this thread is already going political…some folks just can’t help themselves. Just wanted to get my two cents in before the melt down lol…
Thanks for posting…


I’m reading this and finding it hard to believe its not from TheOnion.

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Hard to believe this is happening in real life. And that’s coming from the WSJ.


The whole context of the quote is political… defending democracy against a former president trying to cheat his way out of an historic landslide-level defeat, right? I don’t think it’s just that someone couldn’t resist turning the thread political.


Yea, the intention was quite clear to me. Part of the problem is it trickles down into society from there.

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Does bigmccoog know where the quote “I don’t want to be a winner by cheating” comes from?


That’s fair… perhaps didn’t know context

LOL, a little bias yes…since when did you become the judge and jury…evidence to contrary has been showing up all over…but I am not going to debate with closed minded people…I vote the platform and the man you hate so much just happens to have been head of the party that has the platform I much more prefer…
Now go back to the party with folks who have your same beliefs.

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You stand with the Texas GOP platform now?

but you said you agreed you dont want to win by cheating, i wouldnt vote for the cheater then

Wow… now that’s political. Would you debate with “closed minded” people such as Bowers, Raffensberger, Sterling, Barr?

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I’m guessing me and Cheese have a lot of political differences. Same for others on this thread. This isn’t about politics.

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Produce, good sir. From any semi reputable source, or court of this land where this evidence was presented successfully. Otherwise it’s just feelings and beliefs.

Example of a decent source. As I believe you are conservative… The WSJ news section, they have some conservative bias to them however if they report that the sky is blue I’m not double checking that straight away.

I haven’t read the Texas GOP platform, but I have never fully supported any platform of the GOP, or Dems either. These things generally only represent the most extreme of the groups who have the stroke at any particular time. I would bet, that the candidates don’t either. I doubt you would find a majority of the total of those who identify with either party willing to go down the line and honestly say they agree with every item.

To me, they just are something to make the delegates feel important. Notice, I said to me.