I feel really bad for…

I feel bad for all the kids on this roster who could be stars and household names:
Instead, we get shut out half our quarters and leave the D on the field to take a beating.

We hav some nut lev l talent that will not get the ecognized under this regime.


There is still time to turn this thing around or at least be competitive. In my way of thinking it starts with a quarterback it’s time to make a change there are I’m tired of seeing passes thrown behind and above the receivers. I if you notice, the K-State quarterback was hitting his receivers square on the run so they could get positive yardage.

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I’m with you. I was in the Donovan camp after the UT game, but this game was a huge let down. Let’s see what another QB can do. We need a spark. Sadly, CDH wont make a change. That’s not his style.

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Halloween Dana says “ It is what it is”


I’m afraid a lot of our talent will hit the portal at year end if we keep regressing.


Dumb thread.


Johnson seems to be a rising star, too.

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Donovan made 16 completions in a row against West Virginia and had us within an eyelash of beating Texas. I did not see anyone on our team have even an average game against KSU. That the entire team played so badly against KSU is puzzling.


Dumb post


KSU had a lot to do with it. And it was cold. Don’t laugh, it’s hard to adjust .

The most popular guy on the team is the backup QB.

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Joe, how did you enjoy the trip.

Mike as I posted on another thread the trip itself was fine had a lot fun visiting family in Topeka. As for the game that was another story, it SUCKED.

Four of us went to the game my wife and two family members who live in Topeka. I was so disgusted and cold by the third quarter that we left the game. Since 1976 I have never left a Cougar game at the end of the third quarter, never. I expected a much more competitive game from the Cougars after the last two games. I will never again travel out of town with the Cougars at least as long as Dana is the coach.

The K-State fans are a class act. They have a beautiful stadium and the fan base that is very supportive and gets into the game. The fans really put on the show. The stadium operations are very well organized throughout and the fans know how to tailgate in the parking lots…