I think we'll go 11-7 in conference

To add to a potential schedule gripe I don’t like having to move our home game to Mexico. Since we are playing them on a neutral court we should only play KU once next season.


Baylor yes. The other two are low priority.

They didn’t move a home game. Next year’s conference schedule has only one Kansas Houston matchup and it is in Lawrence. Just like Tech only here and Baylor only there this year.

This is just an add on non conference neutral site game.


I think we go 14-4 and maybe share with Iowa St. We need Tech to beat them in Lubbock!

ISU will have 5 losses after next Monday.

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Or a 2 game series in Mexico

14-4 at worst


We’ll see but every team left has proven capable of beating elite teams, including some giving us close games. Our only easy game left on paper is Cincinnati and even they nearly beat us. OU and UCF are on the road (UCF beat Kansas there) and Kansas is the behemoth that smacked us silly and don’t look now but by March 9 they’ll be saying “I don’t think we’re in Kansas anymore Toto” because they’re obviously a different team away from there. Or maybe we’ll be the ones saying that as a taunt.

I say 3-1 but 2-2 is more realistic.

Iowa St doesn’t play Tech.

I doubt they lose another game in conference

Go K-St!


Just a reminder, we’ve either lost every road game in the Big 12 or been taken to the last 30 seconds (and often times, final 10 secs. and even OT) in every single road game. OT is a coin flip favoring the home team and we came out on top both times we had road OT games.

So we’ll do better than my 11-7 prediction but let’s not make it like we have an easy path the rest of the year, or that I was as far off as it seems. We will be playing an NCAA Tournament caliber team for EVERY GAME FOR REST OF YEAR. Perhaps not in the Round of 64 but even that proved to not be a gimme last year. Even our home games will be tough as Cincy knows they can compete with us and Kansas is capable of beating us anywhere with their talent, even on the moon. They won’t shoot 70% again, granted, but if we are off on offense or defense, if not both, we can lose to them.

We just gave up 44 in the second half to Baylor. You say that’s because it’s a road game against a top 11 team with a powerful offense? Well Iowa State scored 42 in the second half at Fertit,’ so it’s been proven our defense can be overcome against elite teams, as the 3 highest ranked Big 12 teams aside from us have had stretches of lights out shooting against our D.’ If anyone shoots like that all game against us, we’re sunk unless both Shead and Cryer go off because I don’t think we have the O’ to keep up.

13-5 for me. at OU tougher than estimated and last game with KU as KU does have the ability to handle the coogs, which is still fantastic.


And given all that I just said, I also basically said worst case scenario, we still likely go 2-2, so I’m not a pessimist, just trying to prove we’re not on easy street.

Arent we actually playing “tournament calber teams” in pretty most conference games now?

The goalposts shifting there was actually impressive ngl



UH loses at OU or UCF, Iowa St loses at K State, UH beats Kansas to win the Big 12 outright

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Yes and have we been dominating? Against mediocre Ok. State maybe (and are they an NCAA Tournament team?). Texas was certainly impressive but we had a couple grinders this week. Again, we have either lost all of our B12 road games or been taken to the last 30 seconds and usually the last 10 secs and even into OT. We have 2 left against teams capable of beating elite teams and Kansas, where even with our excellent home court advantage it likely won’t be easy.

So we don’t have it easy at all though my heart can, on the other hand, realistically expect to go 4-0. My head is stuck between 3-1 and 2-2.