If We Make a Bowl

I’ve been one of CDH biggest critic’s the team goes bowling do we give him another year? Me personally I’m up in the air on it.


I think he gets another year if we make a bowl. Possibly if we go 5-7 as well. 4-8 or worse. Bye bye


Beat the horns or go bowling imo


Your dreaming

If we make a bowl Dana returns 100%. Tonight bought some street cred so if we win 5 Dana returns, maybe firing Belk. 4 and under is up in the air.

We don’t want to hear this but we have to compare ourselves to Cincy and UCF at this point. They’re in the same boat we are. If we all suck in conference (we’re the only win so far) there’s a narrative you just chalk it up to growing pains and return everyone.


I have been one of Dana’s biggest supporters, but after the TT game, I had given up on him. Wait, I’m on hold.


He beats Bevo he’ll be back…guaranteed


Conference championship or he’s finished


The issue is he told us after losing to Tech and TCU we just aren’t talented enough. And then we beat a team that beat both.

I think Henry was right, Dana cared about beating WVU. Let’s hope he wants to beat UT lol.


If he doesn’t do better than five games, he’s in trouble.

Bowl is immediately return, regardless.

That’s the whining and excuse making the fanbase is tired of and Prez Khator is tired of. He’s got talent on that team he just needs to coach’em up. He’s got a LT that going pro high draft pick. So him poor mouthing the very talent level he recruited is oxymoronic.

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I mean if you want to watch the football team play in a half empty stadium with zero hype behind them, plus a mediocre record, then Dana is your guy! :grin:


You sound like you would be much happier being an Aggie where you can watch a team with a lot of hype, coach with an $80M buyout, and more than 100K screaming fans… :grin: Did you despise the W last night?



TCU only went 4-8 in its first Big 12 season.

We would be 6-6 or better.

With four or more Big 12/P5 wins.

CDH stays if we make it to a bowl.

Yeah, 6-6 and another garbage bowl game. Let’s strive for mediocrity. :face_vomiting:

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I’ll be at the bowl game if we can make it.

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I don’t think he’s the guy for greatness long term, but if he goes 6-6 I think I’m ok with him back another year (check back with me after we see the games play out doe)


I was always in the camp that bowl eligibility was a successful season. So by that measure, of we go to a bowl he was successful and should be back. I’m not saying give the man or staff an extension but you don’t fire him.


I said before the year it’s bowl game or bust. I definitely think he’s back if that happens.

Please no more extensions except for CKS

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