Inside Reports: 6 B1G teams still might play this fall

Could this be true with the 6 teams that voted to play?

Athletic Director Gene Smith, with the full support of school president-elect Kristina Johnson, has been working behind the scenes for the past six days to organize fellow Big Ten conference athletic directors in convincing at least five other university presidents to move forward with a 10-game season to be played among six teams, a source familiar with the movement told me today.

it’s getting more interesting following this than the election news, that for sure.


The B1G Commish might have been able to silence ONE dissenting school, but he’s going to have a lot harder time shutting up SIX.

As I said before, the leadership of that conference is in DISARRAY!!!

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If 6 B1G teams decide to play, there is nothing the commissioner or the other B1G teams can do to interfere with it.

If they do play, I suppose only they will get the conference payout.


Since the B1G presidents canceled the season, I suppose there will not be a B1G conference championship game.

Five games against B1G teams and the other 5 against G5 teams. Or they could do a 5 game home and home against thier own teams to get ten games.

You mean there are people who actually follow election news?!?!


You can bet your bippy that the ones who opted out will be lining up at the trough.

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How about no play, no pay!!

Do the Big 10 coaches continue to be paid?