Is Everyone Angry? Toxic 'Outrage Culture' Consuming Society Like Never Before


Is this directed at me? What are you trying to say!

Just kidding.

Great article. Thanks for posting

Did I make you angry?

I get more perplexed than angry at stuff these days.

No Country for Old Men…

Society has always been outraged. The difference now is that there’s a medium for it to be presented on.

The internet (social media included)

Good point, although I’d say more like now there’s a medium for it to easily be presented on and shared rapidly across the globe for low cost.

As there was always a medium before.

It’s not even that the medium makes it easy to share … It’s an economy and algorithm of outrage. Designed to generate income, engagement, and eyes.

Yes, the algorithm does push it in your face as well. But still, someone has to first express their outrage online before the algorithm does anything.

The outrage has been amplified in a major way. It’s not the same.

Fighting usually resolves it.

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