Is this political or just laughable?

Made me think of Jack Palance doing pushups at the Oscars. I just think this is funny. He should do a charity fundraiser where he raises money for every pull up.


Sounds like he was showing off for the tourists. Probably not the wisest thing in a “monkey-see, monkey-do” sense.

Not a big deal, TBH.


Yea, its just funny.

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As a person with a fear of heights this bothers me. I know I’ll have nightmares tonight about falling while on a tour.

It’s really stupid but I don’t think anything should be done to him.


“It’s really stupid but I don’t think anything should be done to him”

Some of you do not realize how hilarious some of your comments are.
“I don’t think anything should be done to him”
Maybe he should be wiped just like they do in the dictatorship of Iran?

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You clearly didn’t read the article.

That said, it’s stuff like this that shows how bad you are for the board. No one provoked you and you go on ridic tangents about others anyway.



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I got PUF info for you, when you want it. :wink::grin:

Hehe. Trying make you feel better. :grin:. I have the answers.
Hope your well Chris.


Edit: i liked that gif

Hmmm. Let me give it some thought.

Clearly you did not actually read the article.

Wiped? Lol. I don’t think that is what you meant to say.

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Love this:
McCormick has a reputation around Capitol Hill for being adventurous, including skateboarding through the Cannon tunnel, a path that connects the Capitol to House office buildings, and playing football against Capitol Police.
Now that is someone that takes his job seriously.

Yea, certainly doesn’t sound like a stick in the mud.

You do know he’s a Republican, right?

Houston, we have problem child.

If he’d just stick to Jack Palance like activities that’d be great. But he endangered his own life clearly by acting like an idiot.

“The Georgia Republican went beyond a posted sign reading “no person permitted above this platform under any circumstances,” according to the email, and went over a safety railing at the “Tholos level” of the Capitol dome, more than 200 feet in the air. Staff photographed him straddling the railing and pretending to fall or slide over, the email said, and recorded him bypassing the safety signage.”

Why do you care? Tell us why.

If you’re asking me, I don’t care. I think it’s funny and I was amused is all. However I thought that was clear from my original post.

People doing pulls while watching Beetlejuice can do a fundrsiser. But don’t shake their hand.