It Seems To Be A Problem

After that bad call by the refs in the Rice game on the clock time. Maybe it’s endemic.

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The lure of officials being “paid off” or favoring one team over another team or their having placed a bet on the game’s final outcome (including the point spread) can’t be ignored.


There was a lot of weird calls in the game Saturday.


Surely we filed a complaint at the end of the Rice game? That was blatant


We should have still been able to beat Rice handily, but there was some terrible officiating Saturday. Not just the last play.


Get in the 21st century and use a light beam for the LOS.

The ref should be fired. It’s one thing to miss a call on a bang-bang play, but when no one is moving? C’mon, man!


The Color announcer actually called the refs out on a couple of calls in the first half. I was surprised because he wasn’t the usual “Oh, I don’t know about that call” non-committal stuff. He pointed out a couple of flags where there was no foul.


That last call was one of the worst, most blatant calls I have ever seen. No matter how much you think we should have won by, those officials should be fired


No disagreement from me.

Where were they from ? AAC ? C-USA ?
They were terrible at best…
Please tell me they aren’t ours…

I didn’t hear that because I was at the game, but that’s interesting, given that, IIRC, the assigned color guy was Taylor McHargue, who played for Rice. The calls must have been real bad if he wasn’t seeing it.


Probably CUSA. Protocol is that you use the road team’s conference officials. In the immortal words of Tim Ware, “CUSA must stand for Can U See Anything?!”


The Rice guy was actually pretty fair. I thought he did a good job, especially for an ESPN+ crew.


It was Taylor McHargue, former Rice QB, and he was criticizing some of the calls going against us. I was shocked but also glad to see somebody call it as they see it without bias.


In a society where a family member can place large bets from the couch I think this is an issue.

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Where is the suspension and hell-raising over Dell’s angle being twisted. Surprised Dana didn’t raise hell.


100% agree. We have the technology to stop the game for;
Dirty plays
How often is that being done?
This is where CFB and the NFL have failed miserably. Both have no excuses for it.

Temptation is there and has been exploited by refs, remember the NBA scandal.

I thought he was an excellent color/analyst commentator.
Much better than some who have called our games for ESPN.