It's time

for a new head coach.

The offense still looks stale.

The offensive line is offensive.

Tune had not improved at all.


Absolute embarrassment that he is making $4M a year.

Absolute embarrassment that he is making more than CKS.

Absolute embarrassment that he is about to get a bonus for something he had nothing to do with. If it weren’t for CKS, our asses would be relegated to CUSA 2.0.

Like TJCoog said, Dana should give all of that bonus to CKS. He’s an embarrassment.

I said what I f****** said.


It’s time Dana DimeltonTuberville to stop depositing our checks into his retirement. He’s coasted long enough.


Dana makes more than Fickell. Un-freaking-believable. Just unreal at this point.


He’s stealing at this point, straight stealing.


I dislike Dan Wolken. But his tweet made me laugh. He is spot on.

Well once we join the Big 12, Kansas can breathe a sigh of relief. Good god.

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Too bad he won’t be fired. He’ll be back again next year

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Fertitta isn’t firing his drinking buddy. Never going to happen.

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We are being swindled.

I’m sure Major Applewhite is enjoying this, wherever he is now…


Tune is so bad no amounts of TUNE-UP could ever make that deplorable QB a decent QB no matter how hard Dana tries! Since he can’t even see that or open-minded enough to admit that then he needs to go! – along with his protege Tune!

Thought it impossible to make Applewhite look good, but he’s done it. Clown got off the bus looking like he was looking for the women and bar. He’s an embarrassment.


Don’t forget, contractually, he can make an extra million if we get into the big12….

I was listening to 610a, Landry and Lopez were commenting on the fact that CDH looked and coached as if he’s “not into it anymore”. We saw it, they saw it…… just saying


I didn’t see that. He looked pissed


I saw zero adjustments. Look at FSU last night.

Well, it doesn’t help that Dana always looks like he has the dunkard’s sheen on his face, glistening in light.

But I don’t care how he looks, just win some damn games.

Agreed. Don’t think we’d be having this discussion if the same effort was exerted in the 2nd half? Correct?

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Not only does he continue to play Tune, he didn’t even recruit Tune. How he doesn’t have a QB waiting to step in should Tune falter, is quite amazing to me. This tells me he’s not recruiting worth a (blank).

OK COOL- If things go continually bad UH can fire Holgerson 24 hours before UH officially starts in the “whatever it calls Itself”.