J.J. Watt

If I had to guess, the Texans plan on signing J.J. Watt to a one day contract to retire as a Houston Texan. I am putting 2 + 2 together on these tweets:



So, do you think he goes in to the HOF with a Texans jersey or a Cardinals jersey?




Yes, Texans. And the second name (pretty sure) put in the Texans Ring of Fame or whatever it’s called.

I was at the game where Andre Johnson was brought in as the first member of that. I don’t buy Texans tickets (got these free), but glad I was there–big fan.

Andre is my favorite Texan and JJ is right there with him…

Just incredible talents the both of them…


and its a damn shame the texans wasted their careers


AJ for sure

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Andre Johnson made over $106M in the NFL.

J.J. Watt made over $129M in the NFL.

As a sports fan, I wish Johnson and Watt could have played on better teams, but in the grand scheme of things, both players are multi millionaires and if they are smart, will be able to take care of their families for generations.

Neither players just go in the hall they don’t have to pick a team.

Yup. Bronze bust and a yellow blazer

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Yes, they did. The Texans are good at that.

And that’s all they have to show for 20 years of being a NFL team