Just Stop. Applewhite is

Everyone calling for Applewhite to be fired- it’s not happening. Coach no D will be fired and MA will be given one more year to put an improved defensive product out there. We are not going to fire MA after a 7 win then an 8-9 win season.

Next year King will be a senior and we’re going to try like heck to keep KB by giving him a big raise. If we can keep KB we will have a lethal offensive duo of KB and King to carry us next year. If we can win 8+ MA stays. If we win 7 or less next year and get blown out a couple times then Tillman and Khator will send MA on his way.


i agree, but if we can get a good DC, i like our chances to win 8…CMD has to go, that is key…

What a difference. Louisville will eat $14 mil to get rid of Petrino.

We live in different worlds.

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I wouldn’t be so sure. The Cage is going to look awful sad on National TV Thursday night. Uncle Tilman is a winner, he’s not going to stand pat

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Who says we’re gonna win 8-9 games? Looking forward to that! Go Coogs!


I really hope that someone will find POTENTIAL in our DC and hire him away.

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If we lose the next two, Tilman brings the axe down.


You think he sends CMA and CMD packing or just CMD?

If we lose the next two like the previous two, Tilman sends Major and Mark packing, gives Briles the interim coach position for the bowl game and gives him first interview if interested in the head coaching gig.


All I know is that Pezman didn’t hire Major or No D.

He did, however, hire Kendal.

And if we collapse to another 7-5 finish?


He allowed the hire of Kendal.


Yep, 7-6 is a real possibility. To me, Memphis is almost a sure loss (their offense against our defense on the road will be ugly). We have a shot at Tulane but seeing our past performances in bowl games under major I would bet we lose that. I think realistic best case is 8-5 but 7-6 is a real possibility.

No one is saying he will be fired.

Hoping and saying are two different manifestations of root verbs.

His buyout is nothing for Tilman. Giving Apple another year is not just saying mediocrity is OK, its stupid for business.


There is a middle school that said his skill sets would be perfect for them. :grin:

Yes, middle school coach to defensive coordinator. That would be just as well received as a school district council member running for president.

It was a joke.

Will it be more expensive to keep him?

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I like the Major … but I suspect that the team had better win against Tulane tonight for his sake …

It is obvious now the offense CANNOT outscore what the defense is giving up … so it will be like the outnumbered marines on Guadalcanal holding Henderson Field from getting overrun … a miracle

A loss will spell almost certain doom against a mediocre Memphis team in Memphis …


To face a nobody in a backwater bowl would be needed for a win … the only team that we could beat then would have to be Watsamatter U. but even Bullwinkle and Rocky are pretty tough dudes … even for our non-existent defense … :wink:

Five straight losses will NOT BODE well for Opie to end the season …