
We see what happened to Briles, Sumlin, and will see it soon enough with Herman.

Nobody talks about UofH’s karma. The firing of Levine and to certain extent Applewhite. Self inflicted karma imho.

I’ve learned the grass isn’t always greener on the other side.

No but the money is


UH fired Applewhite, a first-time head coach, after just two seasons. Both seasons were winning seasons and included a thousand-year flood and a historic amount of injuries. They chose to screw him over and dance with the devil. Here we are.


UT AD already said Herman is coming back next year

Well said Brad!

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He will be let go when he goes 8-4 next year.

You can make the argument that Levine is the most successful UH ex-head coach.


Oh please, he was a awful HC. UH didn’t screw him over, he quit, plain and simple. ANY HC that punts on the opponents 30yd line losing in the 4th quarter deserves to be fired


Two straight winning seasons versus two straight losing seasons. Scoreboard.

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He definitely got scoreboard all the way to the bank…Ex-D1 HC FBS with winning record and yet not a single offer…Yes Sir, that’s Top Shelf

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It should never have come down to them screwing him over… because he should NEVER have been hired !!

That was the mistake.


I won’t argue that. But if UH hires a coach, especially a first-time head coach, they need to let them grow into the position. Dana Holgerson’s best days seem to be behind him. That Tulane game last year was due to horrible game management and is all on Holgi. It derailed our season and cost us King. People are going to hate on Applewhite because he is a Longhorn or they didn’t want him, but Holgorson has been awful for two years while Applewhite was above average.


… and where is Applewhite now? CDH doesn’t get a hall pass but there has been a roster transformation and from what I have been hearing the team has had a real Covid problem.

Personally, today’s loss was the first where I expected to win. Disappointing but I am proud of the fight to get back in the game with being down by 21.

With that, recruiting will make or break CDH. The jury is still out.


Now…show us Applewhite’s record vs the teams with winning records vs his record vs teams with losing records? It is as fool’s gold as you get.

If that wasn’t enough, he was a disaster in the following areas:

  • recruiting
  • media relations
  • controlling his team
  • motivating his team
  • picked a fight with our one and only 5 star recruit
  • etc.

Then throw in the fact he was a loyal Herman assistant and a UT grad…and even with all of those, we gave him TWO Full years to prove he wasn’t in over his head.

I still remember how his UH coaching career begun…Herman was picking off our committed recruits Left and Right and Applewhite was bending over backwards to make sure Herman had a place to stay in Austin (his Austin residence).

Let that sink in…Herman was making Apolewhite’s job (his career) HARDER and Applewhite was making Herman’s job EASIER.

I’d be mad as hell if someone…ANYONE…was actively stealing my recruits.


What is Dana’s record vs teams with a winning record, with 4x the money to spend on assistants. Major sucked! But so far so does Dana.


Applewhite is doing what head coaches that are getting paid by their former schools do-enjoying a Cush job as an analyst. He is at Bama and helping destroy the SEC while getting head coach money and spending quality time with his family.

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Dana does suck…I’ve always been the proponent of fiding the hungriest young coach that you can find…one that HAS to prove something.

Because they have proven to lift us to new heights PLUS we get paid his buyout.

The solution wasn’t finding a Holgorsen…it was creating a new position ( NOT the AD) that prepare for this reality …one that helps transition between coaches…that is where we continue to make the same mistake.

Who cares if the coach leaves? The UC coach may leave after this season but look what a hungry coach HAS to do before he leaves…proves he can win…and win…and win.


I just can’t get past the fact that Applewhite had a winning season in each of his two seasons while Holgerson has had two losing seasons. Everything else is just noise.

The real problem Applewhite had was the alumni base never accepted him because they hate UT so much. WHICH IS FREAKING STUPID!! UT’s best ever coach was a Sooner. UH needs to freaking get over their hatred of UT.


Looks like Major is about to be an OC in the sun belt which, honestly, sounds about right.


You will never be be top tier program if you you constantly making coaching changes every 2 years…it’s not possible