Khator deleted her twitted

Nobody on here has chastised the fan base, but quite a few folks seem to be delusional and think that UH is entitled to be a Top 10 team every year. Heck, even with their unprecedented $200+ million/year in athletic revenues neither ATM or UT-Austin has been able to do that.

Truthfully, as a non P5 team, the best case scenario for UH is to consistently recruit a class rated around #50 to #60 in the nation (meaning a Top 5 class among the G5 teams) and every few years, if everything goes well (meaning players develop well, players are coached up well and we have minimal injuries), become good enough to earn some votes &/or even enter the lower echelon of the Top 25.

Until we are able to become a P5 program (if that ever happens), that is about our best case scenario. Even as most of the fans & opponents in the AAC haven’t had much of a reason to be too impressed by UH, we have some folks on here who seem to think we’re somehow way better than them. That’s an example of being delusional.


No Coog fans I’ve seen across this board, Twitter, r/CFB etc has ever indicated they feel entitled to anything close to what you have described. Most understand who we are and where we stand in the landscape. Most are looking at the bigger picture of the possible expansion landscape and chess pieces that may possibly move. Just because they are vociferous after getting shellacked on national TV doesn’t mean they’re upset at Major because we aren’t playing Alabama in the playoff. Come on.

Best case scenario is we can be a Top 10 team and play in an NY6 and be in the conversation as a G5 playoff crasher. Know how I know this? Because that is who we were in 2016. We were actually ranked as high as #6. That is our DOCUMENTED high side. Had we won out (maybe our coach had not been distracted) we would have had a serious resume for the playoff. I don’t want to get into the argument of whether we would have made it.

We are definitely better than what we’ve shown this year and it is ok for the fan base to be upset. No one is saying they’re entitled to anything. I hate that characterization. You’re right, this isn’t UT or A&M

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Folks, it seems like Coogs are now turning on other Coogs for having a difference of opinion or point of view. People being rude to Dr. Khator is absolutely silly, Folks strongly disillusioned by this loss and Applewhite are not… IMHO.

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Who mentioned top 10?

Most would be happy with being ranked and the best of the g series.

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Speaking of over reacting…

Most of the above posts are over reaction to nothing. You post on Twitter, be ready.

It IS the internet.

Just dump the Apple Man and get on with it !!

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I would be happy with just winning the west division.

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Well if I’m not mistaken the Admin on this forum put out Dr Khator & Pezman email address and strongly encouraged the very stable …uhh hmm…Coog fan base to email them to voice displeasure in FB program. Knowing the emotional low that all fans were feeling not sure that was necessary. Leadership esp Dr. Khator is doing everything they can to put together a competitive Athletic dept for all Sports. There’s no guarantee for success but I feel secure that Leadership will try to make right moves going frwd.


Our administration is not going to make emotional irrational decisions like most on this board based off this blowout or going 8-5. There are several things going on like a lot of injuries, wrong DC and now we have to get a new OC.

Many of us can already see next year season starting out at 1-3. With the 4th lost, I’m sure they will dismiss Applewhite before the season is over and have enough time to find his replacement.

I know it’s hard to see, but I hope next season will be a successful one under Applewhite.


Smh. She deserves to be troll

On basketball, she said she wanted a 30 point win and got one. She can’t be happy with the loss to Army and recent bowl losses.

I will say that this game felt a little like the Air Force bowl loss where Keenum had like 6 or 7 interceptions. We survived and got better with new facilities.

I am okay with upgrading coordinators to see what Applewhite can do. Similar to Levine, I believe he has recruited some very good young players that will start to make an impact next year on offense and defense. Our skill positions should be awesome on offense. The next few weeks should be very interesting.


But he was a great interviewee. What could go wrong with that?

Applewhite worked here for two years before he was interviewed. Let’s not forget that little detail.

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Merry Christmas fellow Coog fans!

Don’t worry about Dr. Khator. She can play hardball with the big boys! A little tweet storm won’t scare her! :smile:

Let’s hope she does the necessary!

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It is more the nature of today’s hyper critical and finger pointing of a disrespectful, inconsiderate and very ungrateful segment of our society. In my opinion, we are either part of the problem or part of the solution.

I remember. Let’s not forget the 0-3 bowl record, 15-11 overall record, the worst bowl loss in history, the poor recruiting classes, the failure with Kyle Allen, and the inability to get his best player to even care enough to play. Not exactly the next Nick Saban.


Ridiculous. “Part of the problem or part of the solution”

We are individually not always part of the story.

Almost none of us (Perhaps none of us) are involved in the situation whatsoever.

We didn’t suit up for the games. We didn’t coach. We don’t hire or fire anyone on the staff.

We are fans.
We are supporters of our university.
We may or may not be financial supporter in one form or another.

Even the one or two people here ( on this board) that may have direct excess to Tillman, The Prez, or the AD are not responsible one way or another,


Renu has a better grasp of the importance of college football than most male University presidents. In fact, of all her demonstrable talents and qualities it’s her unique understanding of American sports psychology that I find most interesting.

No little twitter blow up is going to hurt her feelings. She operates at a level and at RPMs most people couldn’t fathom.


Few on here question the administration’s commitment to sports. After all, Athletics runs a 30 million dollar deficit each year. However, bringing MA back will waste a year of time we can’t afford to waste in our quest for relevance. That tweet scares the heck out of Coog fans.

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Major, and his players, quit in the Bowl Game. He should be gone


That fact alone is unforgettable and unforgivable.

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