Kind of one sided on the foul calls

The key shot that was blocked was clean. The defender came down on the shooter. Oh well!
Thank you Houston for a great year of Basketball.


The bigger name is always going to get the calls. That is just baked into the game plan.

23-13 foul difference


When we had momentum and were getting stops the tilted foul difference gave UK lots of FTs to keep us from pulling ahead.


UK without the refs help does not win this game.


You could not touch a UK big trying to get position without getting called for a foul.
Replay kind of looked like Corey Davis got chest bumped on his final drive to the hoop…crickets.


We lost. We have come a long way!

I am so proud of this team and am so proud of our Fight!

Thank you to everyone of our players. As a lifetime Coog (55 years), I am grateful for their efforts .

Thank you to Coach Sampson and staff too. I would not trade you all for any staff in the country.

Go Coogs!!


He had gotten past defender to have him on side and had plenty of body contact but no call. No way that doesn’t get called on other end.


Looking at the other three games today the team foul calls were all within 1. Ours was Houston +10. What a joke!


I agree, when I saw the replay I thought it would have been an automatic foul on the other end.

Imo, how the game was called underneath affected us. Travis is a bull and could effortlessly shove and move our guys at will. He had a forearm waiting for any Coog within reach. He was allowed to play physical and enforce. Our guys were not. Took a lot more effort for our guys to just stand our ground. Refs didn’t let Coogs meet physicality with physicality.


It was similar to the end of the Michigan game last year. They wouldn’t let smaller guys hold their ground. Van Beck had two awesome box outs called fouls because the dude was a foot taller and the refs couldn’t understand how that could happen without there being a foul. Same thing this year if we were physical with their bigger guys.

I’m not excusing most of the fouls because our bigs do have issues with fouling. The two I am upset about are on Washington, the cheap trip that was not called and the clear hook which resulted in an and 1 for him.

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A lot like UCF v Duke…those refs could not let Duke get knocked out in round 2. Got the benefit of lots of calls and non calls


EX-ACT-LY! All the proof anyone needs, if one is being “fair”!