Looks like Tune will get the start tonight

Also per Duarte


Good, a return to normalcy hopefully.

Was not a fan of hogo jr

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Folks sure like to be hard on an 18yo true freshman 3rd string…


I saw this photo of a BJJ blackbelt with a little kid about 7-10 yrs old captioned “it doesn’t matter how big your opponent is, always give your best.” Black proceeds to throw the kid to the ground… Lmao

If you think that’s hard, welcome to the real world :earth_americas:. We’re putting much PG 13 in here lol.

I like happy hour too.

He’s green as hell. Not many freshmen perform like seasoned vets straight off the bench.

Happy for Tune but I’ve far from given up on Holgorsen Jr.


I wasn’t a fan of his play, how is that being hard on him?

Lighten up.

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Im allowed to have an opinion just like you. I think criticizing a 3rd.stringer true freshman’s play is unnecessary. My opinion…

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Hey, we won the game with him at QB. Give it a rest and hope we don’t see him again this year.

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Holgorsen has no arm strength on his passes

Keenum was cursed with that description his freshman year.

Some guys on here just love to bash our players. We were just lucky to have someone that could play QB for us that game. No one thinks Logan is our future star, but you never know. He turned down scholarships at North Texas and Bowling Green just to walk on and be able to play for his dad. I appreciate that myself and would think some of you guys would too. He is a Coog player and will be a future member of the H Association and I’m sure a loyal alumnus. He led us to victory in his one game as a starter, that’s all that was needed from him. I’d say show him some appreciation.


Yes. After watching Dana’s last presser I have a lot of empathy for Holgerson Jr. If there’s one sentimental favorite on the team, he would be mine.

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